on the plane as I type this (OK, actually I started this entry at home the night before, just to have it ready). I have to remember I cannot go onlne while n the plane. I kept puttng it off because there was so much to sort through. Then my email hostng got mixed up, so there went a few more days.. I was startng to thnk I'd never go. Friends began to scold me. I would never chicken out, because this is what I should be dong, but It always takes longer to sort through thngs than I expect. I did get rid of a lot of useless crap and donated a lot of stuff that I don't need or use, but that someone else might. The only thng I didn't get to was packng up the computer. If I get a job that provides a laptop (hey, a girl can dream), or no job at all, I'd be mad at myself for wastng the money on shippng, especially if I had to ship both ways. Let me just say right now that Microsoft is evil. I know, I jon the debate belatedly. It seems you cannot unnstall Microsoft products. When you try to unnstall Explorer, it gives you the option to upgrade or repair, but not unnstall. Outlook and the rest of MS Office don't even appear n the list of software to delete -- whatever! So all my email and stuff is right there, fuckity fuck fuck. I'd already packed the software away. I guess I'll just tell my mother that the computer wasn't workng, which isn't much of a stretch. I was havng fits tryng to get everythng backed up. I did manage to get about 2/3 of my room-length closet cleaned out. I wanted my brother to have my old room because it's much bigger than his and the closet is 3 times bigger. He's gettng older, it's silly for me to take up so much room when I don't live there anymore. A lot of it was old magaznes and notes exchanged with friends. I found a note Rick Barker and I wrote back and forth n 8th grade. Ah, Rick Barker. I can see him n his stonewash jeans and muscle shirt now. He probably looks a lot like Michael Keaton now. So, lots of crap. I always dreaded gong through my room and gettng rid of stuff, but it was actually a weight lifted and nice to remnisce. I generally have a good memory, but I don't remember Beatrice Berraza or why she typed (badly) a note apologizng for beng mean to me. It was high school -- you'd have to be much more specific! It's been therapeutic, actually. Hey, this Palm keyboard is pretty groovy. It's a bit off center, but works a lot better than tryng to use Grafitti for a long entry. To contnue the week's flashback theme, my best friend from 7th and 8th grade, Ro, took me to the airport. After we moved from Carson to the Empire, she was the one friend who would come visit. My parents really liked her, so I could even go n to stay with her for the weekend and see old friends. It's amazng to see people after so long. She looks just the same, except she's massively pregnant at the moment. I don't know how people do it, she already has a 6 year old who wore me out n a couple of hours. I'm still undecided on the child issue, but I give anyone credit who can do it and keep their patience. It just isn't fair Ro made it nto People magazne before I did, though! "I am naughty" -- nside joke, but we were n hysterics over it for ages. We hadn't seen each other snce The Boy was a baby, but it was like no time had passed. That's how good friends and family are, I suppose. I usually take shuttles and such to and from the airport, so it was an extra treat to have Ro take me. Then, when I got to the termnal, Jennifer was there waitng for me. Dorothy couldn't make it, unfortunately, my fault with all the delays, but I did get to see her several times this month, so I'm thankful for that. I'm gong to try uploadng this when I arrive at SFO, then writng another entry on the way to New York. Perhaps I can review the movie. I should sleep. And so it begns, agan...
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