The sidebar is sufferng from nervous exhaustion.
short on words these days. I'm thrilled that now I can have photos agan, but I don't have nearly enough time to download, crop, edit and upload them. Still, it's a big improvement and somethng I missed greatly. Here are some photos I took n Times Square last Tuesday between 11:00 p.m. and 1:00 am. I love that I can take photos at night and they are perfectly clear and bright. The new ABC studios. The Apple Jack dner, that is always closed when I want to stop n. It sure looks closed, doesn't it? How many places do you know that close at 11:40? Baby Yankee shoes. Huge new TV screen -- it's several stories tall -- those squares n the middle are the wndows. I bet it's freaky to have your office there. Howard Johnson's n Times Square. They have $3.25 drnk happy hour -- and after the recent nsanity of work, I am begnnng to understand how people become alcoholics. Two drnks and I was relaxed both mentally and physically and forgot the day's stresses completely. Frightenng. Come for the Midnight Gas. Man sleepng n the Citibank ATM vestibule, 56th and Broadway. MTV's birthday cake. It's amazng how much the foam actually looks like cake. The irony beng the mannequns are to thn to have ever eaten cake. Even the police precnct has that flashy, Times Square action gong on. Half a dozen people gettng their portraits drawn on Broadway n the mid-40s. Obnoxious, 2-story advertisement for Shaquille O'Neal and/or Swatch. It seems we spend half our life underground n NY.   It was so nice to be able to wander the streets at that hour on a borng-old Tuesday and have plenty to see and not face scary, deserted streets.
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