Honey, I Shrunk the Sidebar! Openng... Birthday Week present #2 -- a tny shell. That was a nice surprise, snce I expected only dime novelties, not somethng so real or natural. Receivng... Presents from Jennifer -- hurrah! Readng... Bodily Harm, by Margaret Atwood. I'm not sure I've ever heard of this one before, and I love Atwood. I'm not very far along, so I don't know what to thnk yet. Watchng... South Park at Rob's last night. Sick, sick, sick. The Go, Go Bronco chase was too much.
tryng to make time for writng and updatng this site (even though I need to nvestigage party venues -- 5 days and countng). I'm so thrilled that I can have pictures up agan, so this will be another image-laden entry. I am totally diggng this present-a-day thng. They are tny and simple, but I love selectng, rippng out and openng the next bright-colored envelope each day. I thnk about it before bed, resist my evil side's "well...it IS after midnight, so I can open the next one" and then I open them up while I wait for the elevator and walk to the subway n the mornng. It's a really cool little addition to the mornng routne. Here are the first two, yesterday's fortune and the surprise shell today:  This is the view while I wait for the elevator. The World Trade Center is n the middle, slightly obscured by one of the taller buildngs n downtown Crooklyn. 
To the left of what's visible n this picture is the Statue of Liberty, but I couldn't get a picture that's as clear as what I see out the wndow. . . . Who needs a birthday as an excuse to buy goodies? I could not resist this Magnetic Poetry refrigerator key chan.  Look, the light comes on when you open the door!

I drooled over the tny catalog of mniature keychans that came nside the package. I already have Mr. Potato Head, Etch-a-Sketch, Silly Putty and the Magic 8 Ball. I've long lusted after the micro-sized Clue, Life and Ouija board. The mnd wobbles at the thought of the itty-bitty Operation and Perfection games. I have a strong attraction to mniatures. When I was a kid, my Barbie had a collection of cocktail swords (and, naturally, a first aid kit). I was often heard to exclaim, "Oh, it's Barbie-sized!" To this day, I am sorry I never bought the little dollhouse tampons and sanitary napkns I saw n a catalog once. It just blew my mnd that they made such thngs -- the toilet paper was surprisng enough. One wonders if there are little dollhouse knky sex toys. . . . Random photo:One of the ultra-shny new #2 trans. 
I like takng pictures on the subway, it seems so verboten.
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