Openng... Birthday Week presents #5 and #6, a gold charm nscribed "Make a Wish" and an amethyst stone, respectively. Receivng... Not my latest Wish List item from Amazon...Rob's doorman wasn't there when the UPS driver came. : ( But more pressies to look forward to tomorrow -- hooray!
Workng... Like a member of the Stupid Club. I can't complan too much, as my boss gave me tomorrow off. He also left a very sweet birthday card (and cash -- hurrah!), sayng how glad he is to have me on board. I could go a week on a compliment. Thankfully, they aren't a rarity here.
down to the last 23 hours of my '20s. I stop countng after this year. If I'd been smart, I'da stopped countng at 22, like my grandma. I'm pretty scattered, because there were a million thngs to do this weekend, between my birthday and the move. As it was, I put them move off by 3 days, snce I'm housesittng for Rob until Monday and the rental period starts Monday as well. Also, it gives me a bit more time to pack and not freak out. I need some cheerng up, what with havng to scale down my planned spa day (aka Operation: Holy Shit, I'm 30!) and gettng only cancellations for my birthday dnner, thus far, so I'm just focussng on the fact that I get to go to the spa at all AND still move nto the new abode. So here's somethng good -- the view from the new place:
 To the north, you can see the Empire State and Chrysler buildngs. 
To the south is the Word Trade center. These pictures were taken near sunset, thus the ethereal, shadowy quality. 
I'll be nearer to Tah Poozie, AND have my own bathroom -- so this family of Devil Duckies shall be mne! . . . Today, while walkng back from buyng my birthday cake, I saw what I thought was a cardboard cat on one of those hi-rise scratchng posts. It was real ndeed, so I did a little pettng and then noticed all the little kitties nappng n the wndow. What a saccharne moment! 
One of the reasons I want to get nto my own place is so I can have a cat. I really grew accustomed to cuddlng with Salem and I miss it. The plan is apartment and kitty n 1-2 years and baby n 5-7. 
I wish I'd had my prnter here n New York, as this would be the image on my birthday cake. Alas, it's digital and I didn't have a whole lot of money to waste prntng it at Knko's. 
Cleaned up or no, I love Times Square.
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