Movng... To the West Village. Thank GODDESS! Readng... Me, a Memoir by Brenda Ueland. I'm just not readng as often and fast as I used to. That's frustratng, snce I have a huge stack of books I've picked up over the past few months. At any rate, I am really lovng her book, particularly because it's so real and contemporary, even though she is writng about her life n the '20s and '30s. She managed to make $300 a month and support her baby and a maid n New York, so I'm fndng her tenacity nspirng.
The bus -- now my commute is only 30 mnutes. It's a much more civilized way to travel -- the AC works and you get a seat, plus the view through Times Square and Rockefeller Center are amazng. The subway isn't even that bad -- it only takes me 15 mnutes to get to work, on the local even. Dreamng... That I was beng stalked by the fat guy -- the only one on TV really, he used to be the fat guy on Grace Under Fire. Except n my dream he was some tough guy, maybe a Hell's Angel and we were n Paris, or at least a very Americanized/Disnified version of it.
I just kept kickng him n the nuts everytime he cornered me. Watchng... VH-1's Top 80 Videos of the 80s -- home sweet home. Except "Home Sweet Home" wasn't ncluded, while Bon Jovi's and Poison's "we're lonely guys on this gruelng tour" videos were, as was the Crue's "Girls, Girls, Girls" video. Emilio Estevez was pretty unctuous ntroducng ex-wife Paula Abdul's video as well as the one for Simple Mnds' "Don't You (Forget About Me)" (from The Breakfast Club, which Estevez starred n).
All knds of E! True Hollywood Stories, but I only remember are the Rebecca Schaeffer and E! ones. Jerry Sprnger -- it's even trashier than I remembered. This woman was cheatng on her boyfriend with her own daughter. Oh. My. Gawd! Sightng... Tim Robbns, be still my heart! He was comng out of Duane Reade as I was gong n -- hel-LO neighbor! This is one of the few actors I really like, because he's all political and Orson Wellesish. *sigh*
tired and nestng, thus the lack of updates. I'm not n despair about the birthday. It was pretty good, as any day that starts at a spa is practically guaranteed to be. I really like the new place. The room is pretty good size, as such places go, and the private bathroom is more important to me than I'd anticipated. I missed takng my time n the mornngs, rather than gong down the hall and luggng my stuff with me. Before I would get too lazy, forgetful or harried and take only the soap with me to the bathroom. I enjoy a little shower gel now and agan. Plus, snce someone stole my robe (and sheets, and wash clothes and leftovers) a few weeks ago, I was sneakng down the hall n a towel, which we weren't supposed to do at my old place. Snce I'm pretty much a nudist when I live alone, it's nice not havng to get dressed and remember the key just to go to the bathroom, especially n the middle of the night. So it's nekkidnekkidnekkid time -- hooray! I managed to get all my stuff moved on Monday, havng had my ass plastered to Rob's couch all weekend. VH-1 and E! are evil, mnd-control weapons. It only took 2 short cab rides to move from Brooklyn, could've done it n one if anyone had been n town (damn 3-day weekend), but I'm glad it's done, both the physical movng and the fact that now I can really settle n. If all goes well, I plan to be n this place until I fnd a place of my own. So far, so good. The food is better than at the place I lived with Amanda, Cornelia and Fil over a year ago. No more food atrocities labeled "Mexican." In addition to the two meals ncluded with the rent, I can get a bag lunch for $2 extra every day. No more blowng my budget eatng near work. It was one thng to eat $6 Chnese food, but the only thng I can get for that amount near work is a salad and I can't eat that everyday. So far it's pretty quiet, my room is up nice and high (what, no brick wall view?). I am all mushy when I look out my wndow and see the Empire State and Chrysler buildngs all lit up. With apologies to Brooklyn, I'll take Manhattan. . . . I've been ridng the bus all weekend. It's so much less crowded than the subway. I especially like daydreamng on rany days, gong up Broadway. 
These were taken on the way up Sixth Avenue, not far from Rockefeller Center. The sculpture is n front of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer buildng. 
The song "Love Power" from The Producers is stuck n my head now. 
Yesterday there were two teenage girls all excited at the prospect of hangng out n front of the Metropolitan Opera House tomorrow night and TRL today and tomorrow, all for a chance to see Kevn. I had such a Duran flashback! . . .As for work, it's still mega-stressful, but the boss is so open to the solutions I propose that I feel like we're gong to get there, bit by bit. I might even get a laptop after the first of the year, which would help immensely. I have a lot of work, but I'm sure I could make great progress given an hour or so a night to work n peace without givng directions to the bathroom and classrooms and fieldng complants, etc. He works from home quite a bit and knows the difference n productivity without nterruptions, so he's very sympathetic. Slowly, but surely -- ever forward!
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