I am...a New Yorker

[Previous entry: "Freaked Out"]

Thursday, September 13, 2001
Not Crazy


Thermal pants I bought at Century 21, across the street from the WTC. I saw it blasted out on TV yesterday.

I am...back n Manhattan, for now. This is a hard time to feel so alone, but people tend to love me from far away. I meant my thanks before for all the knd messages, but I sure could use a hug.

I'm not able to go on as before. I'm not understandng how people can. Tavia seems the only one who understands that. She was n a cab gong to work across the street from the WTC when she saw the second plane hit. I feel like a wimp next to that.

I wish people would stop tellng me I am beng emotional, illogical or crazy. How should one respond to such a situation?

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Replies: 1 Comment

Right on, sister. I'm tired of the feelng police. It seems to be gettng more and more strident: the emails about positive thnkng and the like. Hell with that!

Posted by Choire @ 09/15/2001 12:11 AM EST

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