still n love with Times Square. When I got off the Port Authority bus Sunday evenng, I headed across the street to the Hello Kitty store. I had spent too much money n Ithaca, so alas the shower curtan, bath rug and no-slip bath mat are yet to be mne. Instead, I dodged the ran n a cab and started snappng shots. That's one way to cope with gridlocked traffic. Fnally, here are some photos that I thnk are as lovely as Times Square itself n the ran. 

The fant blue light is the Empire State Buildng -- it's been red, white and blue ever snce... Note the flag n the cab wndow. All buses have them, most busnesses and just about every cab. 

The normally red, glittery letters of the massive Loew's E-Walk theater are an American Flag now. 
Leavng Times Square behnd.
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