quite lazy most of the time, but today I felt like wanderng the neighborhood for a bit. I walked, wndow-shopped, sat and otherwise explored a little corner of the Village. I found the corner of West 4th and West 12th. The first time I came to New York, I got off the tran, probably the 1/9 at Christopher Street and promptly got lost. I tried to keep my cool, but panicked when I found this ntersection that simply should not exist.

As I've said before, I do love this area, if only for the juxtoposition of ultimate digital yuppies and little, quant throwbacks. This is Jackson Square park, which somehow seems straight out of an Edith Wharton novel.

This lamp post is no doubt electric, but n parts of downtown Brooklyn and I'm sure here n the Village (the brownstones make the neighborhoods appear quite similar), there are still gas lamps. Even as the city modernizes, tears down and rebuilds, always there is so much of the past nterspersed n the mix.

This is Tartne, a little cafe where I had my birthday breakfast and enjoyed the sunny mornng.

I'm a sucker for cobblestones, red brick and ivy. I guess, growng up with stucco and palm trees makes you appreciate thngs that are new.

I can't show pictures of this city without ncludng one of the subway.

I thnk one of these guys just got married, the one sittng on the stoop.

This is the New York of Friends or the movies. The quiet, tree-lned streets you'd never guess were just steps away from busy avenues and crosstown throughfares.

It always amazes me to see people carryng big thngs down the street. Yesterday it was a guy carryng a just-purchased laptop and two different women takng vaccum cleaners onto the bus.

That's St. Vncent's reflected n the mirror.

Ambulances at St. Vncent's.

Here, we're still hopng and prayng.
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