I am...a New Yorker

[Previous entry: "Not an East Sider"]

Tuesday, November 13, 2001
A Sap for Christmas Schtick

The sidebar is all verklempt, what with all the displays of patriotism and holiday cheer, in spite of it all.

I am...really enjoying this new schedule. On Friday, I came in at noon and left at 5. I used the extra time in the morning to see the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree, just brought in that morning from John's home town.

Click on image to see a larger version

The day was so marvelous and clear, this small photograph cannot do it justice. Click on the image to see the larger version. A woman behind me complained that it was a "crappy" tree. I've seen it before decoration, so I'm sure it will be marvelous once it's finished.

One of the reasons I wanted to stop off there was the flags. The Christmas tree is on the street level above the statue of Prometheus, which overlooks the famous ice-skating rink. Surrounding the rink on 3 sides are flags, usually those of the U.S. states, though sometimes different colors -- silver and gold during the holiday season, if I recall from two years ago when I stumbled upon Autumn in New York filming there.

I saw on the news that all the flags are American flags.

rockefeller_flags (9k image)

I'm not big on all the flag-waving, but the display was simply breathtaking.

. . .

radio_city (11k image)

P.S. This is my 100th entry since I restarted the journal using GreyMatter.

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