Usng... My brand new laptop -- hurrah! Lustng... For DVDs. Enjoyng... Fnally havng a computer that's not 2+ years behnd and half the technology I need for the work I'm dong. It's heavier than I'd wanted, but was the best combnation I could fnd at the price I was lookng for with a big, fat screen. So far, so good.
so, so lazy. I cannot believe I didn't write the entire time I was away, but I guess that's what vacations are for. However, I returned this mornng (now yesterday) at 9 am, but accomplished nothng. I set my alarm for 1:15 to sleep off the jet lag, but slept through until 2:45, missng Sunday dnner altogether. I didn't end up eatng until 7:30 tonight. If I've said it once, I'll say it aI've said it a thousand times -- sloth beats gluttony for me any time. 
The trip was great, I took a ton of photos n SF, I'll be addng them as I can this week, while catchng up at work and on my client's site. Back to the grnd(s). It was great to tap nto the energy of the City, I'm always tempted to move back when I visit. The good news is rents have come down to where they would have been right about now (my $591 apartment is now $900, compared to $1350 n June 2000); the bad news is everyone's gettng laid off. I don't know why it's taken me all day to write, except that I was tnkerng with the new laptop, tryng to get the cable modem to work and nstallng software. At any rate, I've got most of that done and so I can focus on usng it for work, design and playng. It works like a dream! Speakng of dream, I need to get to bed, so I look fresh and dewey when the talk show tapes tomorrow at 9 a.m. Let's hope the recent family holiday trauma isn't too obvious!
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