Wearng... Make up -- write this date down n your calendar! Looking... Good, baby! Clamming... Up, dammit! This is twice I've been on television and not said what wanted to say. Sleeping... Hardly at all. Eating... Scones with clotted cream and jam, fnger sandwiches and delightful cakes. Drinking... Too much water n the green room and havng to pee durng the entire tapng.
glad I took the risk of going on the talk show today. It wasn't a success n the conventional sense. I choked and didn't get to say all I wanted to say. Moreover, the host was somewhat abrupt by the time she got to me because she needed to wrap thngs up, so the opportunity was lost. It was, however, a major success n other ways. I really enjoyed meetng my fellow guests. We had a few hours to get acquanted n the green room before and after the tapng. Most of us exchanged contact nformation after the show and we might just have a viewng party when the episode airs sometime n January. I felt very fortunate to be n such an ncredible group of creative, wise people. One woman was a special education teacher who helps young adults learn life skills. Another, Kellee rediscovered her creativity by fixng up her trailer and now teaches Habitat For Humanity families to likewise use creativity to make their new houses homes. When I first walked nto the green room, I thought I must be n the wrong place, because there was one of the McCourt brothers. I knew it before he ntroduced himself and his brough only confirmed it. However, he was neither Frank nor Malachy, but Alfy, who spoke about the impact of music n the development of his daughter who has special needs. I was particularly thrilled to meet Lisa Fittipaldi, whose work I was familiar with after a discussion on Heartless Bitches sometime durng the last year. I'd visited her site at the time and was fascnated by her story and made a mental note to stay at her bed and breakfast should I ever revisit San Antonio. In addition to beng an ncredible artist, she is nsightful, funny, down-to-earth and such a joy to be around. Although the show is only half an hour, we taped from about 10:30 to 2:30. It seemed like longer, probably because of the lights. Afterward, we chatted n the green room (it was more of a tangerne room, actually) and outside as everyone waited for their cars back to their homes and hotels. The studio was only a few blocks from my place, so I walked to and from. Kelee and I made plans to meet later and so we had an early dnner of afternoon tea at Tea and Sympathy. Afterward, we walked around the Village, enjoyng each other's company and the ncredible concidences, marvelled at the hand of fate. We stopped n Myers of Keswick for British goodies and n a toy store where I drooled over a post-modern dollhouse and all manner of mniatures (always a weakness of mne). I also bought Shrnky-Dnks which I hope to make nto some sort of swag for the site. We had planned to go to the Blue Note to hear some jazz, but we were both pooped and so we said our goodbyes agan. The thng that struck me most about the experience were the common threads between us all -- particularly breakng away from the naysayng and followng our creative spirits and listenng to the voice of the creator withn us all. By the way, what I didn't get a chance to say on the show was how I stumbled back upon my creativity through these sites, even developng n areas I never imagned -- particularly photography and design. Once agan, I thank you all for your feedback, even the hate mail, because it encourages me to contnue on and follow my muse. I wanted to go on to mention that I am workng on my first site for a (payng) client and a proposal to do travel writng, a lifelong dream of mne. I feel like the pieces are comng together. As a special bonus, here are very rare pictures of me n make-up, applied lovngly by an artist who works on none other than Oprah herself. After she was done with me, one of the producers joked that she should hand me a mike and let me host the show! 
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