leadng such a dull life these days, comprised mostly of sleep and work -- so there is little or nothng to write about. However, I'm always up for pokng fun at stuff. Tonight's victim: Rejuvenique. I saw this nfomercial very early Saturday mornng, as I stayed up most of the night/mornng workng on mne and my client's sites. I laughed like a loon at all these little, delicate, femnne women puttng on what amounts to Friday the 13th Jason's hockey mask n Barbie fleshtone with electrodes on the nside. 
It was so creepy, on so many levels. 
It looked like a Saturday Night Live parody commercial. 
I wouldn't keep that thng so close to the tub, I'd be afraid it would hop n and kill me. Just look at that creepy expression! 
They kept promotng the idea that you could read while undergong this treatment, so you aren't just gettng the treatment. Why not mention that you can scare away all those pesky neighbor kids? . . . More photos from around town: 
Lncoln Center Christmas Tree. Red, white and blue lights n the fountan and on the tree. The ornaments were musical nstruments. 
Blurred city lights, I don't remember exactly where -- probably between Lncoln Center and Times Square. 
Kodak sign n Times Square. 
A snowflake n Times Square. 
More blurry lights, I believe this is the Times buildng.
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