Regrettng... Not takng the time to reflect upon a lovely day when it was fresh n my memory.
so sorry that I didn't write this entry, for now it is lost completely. I didn't update it n my paper journal, which I update even less than this one. I'm not tryng to berate myself, I'm just sad for the loss. As I recall, the entry was gong to be about another walk n the park with Blanepear. I wanted to buy him lunch as thanks for all his help at work and, naturally, to get him away from work. We ordered lunch from my favorite Chnese place because he didn't want to be nside on such a lovely day. He walked me to the carousel and ponted out details, like the horse with a bottle of hooch panted on its hip. When I'm with him n the park, it gives me a bit of the separation from work I crave. He opens up, just a little. We laugh more easily. Bit by bit, slowly, I thnk we're connectng. Updated/written March 19, 2002
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