Rememberng... The detachment I felt from what was gong on just 4 miles away...the stench of death and destruction for a week afterward, the army blockng off my neighborhood, the sadness n the streets. Amazng... How we've gone on. Returnng... To a more aware version of "normal," but I'll never be the same. Wakng... From the nightmare, only n the last 2 months.
not sure where the time has went. Time has a funny way of passng and thus passng you by along the way. I thnk of that John Lennon song -- "...and so this is Christmas...and what have you done? Another year over...a new one just begun." What have I done? 
In the 6 months from then to now I've laughed, cried, sung, danced, lusted, fucked, written, read, wandered, walked, fantasized, dreamed, aspired, nspired, created, destroyed, vegged, bonded, let go, flown 4 times, remnisced, photographed, designed, shopped, eaten, slept and slept, marvelled, fallen, discovered -- grown. Is it enough?
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