Working... On interview questions, a personal statement for NYU and getting my CD burner fixed so I can finish backing up files (the laptop is otherwise fully functional, hooray!) Listening... To my defective sounds like a manual typewriter at 120 words per minute. Watching... Goldmember, Signs, Reign of Fire. Wowing... The summer deal at Loew's 34th Street -- 2nd movie (on a future date) for $5. Horoscoping... A second or third choice will have to do when everything else is taken. Do your best anyway, if only to please your loved ones. Next week should bring a major improvement. Wondering... If the above is about school. After receiving all of my past transcripts, it doesn't seem I quite have the grades to get into a Seven Sisters school, though a friend mentioned to me that they have to let in a few people who are used to getting bad grades, to keep the honor students from killing themselves. This turned into a joke between my mom and I that I should ask prospective schools to "let me be your loser!" Finding... A $10 bill on 7th Avenue near 24th, a bunch of books a few blocks south, at 19th Street. Among the books were Shopgirl by Steve Martin, JFK: Reckless Youth and My Life in Tights, the tell-all by Burt Ward (who played Robin in the camp '60S TV version of Batman). The cover is a close-up of a boy in Robin's leotard bottoms, which are being unzipped. Always knew he was a pervert. Another $10 in my Band Aid container, which is where I stash extra cash. It must've been a very sad day that this was the sum of my emergency fund. Singing... "Toucha toucha touch me! I wanna be dirty!" Checking... Out Cabaret from the library, or as Fang calls it, the 'bary. Also Orson Welles' It's All True and a video on Dada and books to learn Chinese characters (I suppose Hebrew's next, given the job) and oil painting. Cashing... In my pennies, nickels and dimes at Commerce Bank (open late and on Sundays) -- things are tight and it paid for this week's Metrocard (and, at $17.75, a load of laundry). I'm trying to go through Time Out's freebie issue, perk by perk. Marvelling... At how lucky I am to live In New York. There's just so much to see and do and explore and that's always been what I loved about this charming, little island. Squirming... At the thought of The Kegel Pro.
getting things done. Oddly enough, the more time you have, the more you can piss it away. I did get a lot done during my time off. However, there's something about an outside job that gives me a bit more discipline. Yesterday was a bit of a wash. I was a bit worn out from the new schedule and it was hot as hell, so I spent the day at the movies, enjoying their air conditioning. When I came out of the theater at 1 a.m., it was considerably cooler and I was in the mood for a walk. Some days, an old injury will make walking to my bedroom door an excruciating experience. Last night, I was only in mild pain, so I had the opportunity to wander. It reminds me how lucky I am to live here. . . . Today, I woke up at a decent hour, had lunch, got my hair cut and cashed in my coins before heading uptown to the Met. 
The Met, my Sunday thing the last month or so. Today was mostly a drive-by to take photos of things I've seen before. I'll be posting those in a few days.

A bit bright, but I always wanted to take a photo of the lions on the steps of the New York Public Library.

Star Wars masks on 33rd Street. I noticed that most of the businesses behind the Empire State Building use "Empire" in their names. I particularly chuckled at "Empire Exotica" and "Empire Erotic." Shameful!

Walking the streets of New York, I see so much trash on the sidewalk, but the things that seem weirdest are computers, monitors and the like. This copier takes the cake. I had half a mind to roll it home.

The east side of Sixth Avenue reflected in the Herald Center.

Macy's Herald Square

The Q train to Coney Island. I like the glow in the windows, but I was actually trying to take a photo of the Brooklyn Bridge as we crossed the East River on the Manhattan Bridge. What can I say? I met a nice, Jewish boy who lives out near Coney Island. . . . 
I'm not sure if I used this photo, but I loved this display case full of nerdy, cat eye glasses. They remind me of my mom's old glasses and, for some reason, of Jen.
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