going to be spoiled by the high holy days. On Friday, the office closed at 1. It was quiet as a tomb, anyway, as most of management is at least Jewish, if not rabbis and cantors. I decided to walk across 41st Street, as it's not as hectic and crowded as 42nd. I had double-booked myself, so it was great to have the extra time to myself before the hectic evening to come.
Creepy nail hands in the window of a midtown nail salon. I particularly like the ones with lacy, fingerless gloves. So classy!

Growing up in a redneck town, it's weird to walk by giant, conglomerations, to have a building to associate with the name and products.

East 41st Street

Noticed this Francis Bacon quote on the sidewalk and really enjoyed it.

Construction on E. 41st Street; the city is ever-growing.

The main branch of the New York Public Library.

Cab whizzes by the NYPL.

NYPL lion with a pigeon on its head.

It's unfortunate this was facing the sun; I liked the contrast of the older building in front of the modern, windowed skyscraper.

Waiting for the Fifth Avenue bus, facing 42nd Street.

Too bad I was on the bus, this would've been a great Mirror shot. . . .

Construction in the West Village

The Jefferson Market Library looks like a cross between a castle and a monastary.
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