enjoying Therapy Thursdays. I skip lunch to leave work early, so I don't have to go back in tears. Afterward, I cry in the bathroom, if necessary and then I walk home a mile across town from the East to the West Village. Opportunities to people watch and window shop abound.  How much is that boy band in the window?
 Fatigue legs, standing on West 8th Street
 Strawberry Shortcake...my she's looking swell! Cute little doll...with a strawberry smell!
 I wonder where one wears a rhinestone bikini
. . .
I also get to just enjoy wandering through the Village -- from East to West.
 Although I've begun to notice pumpkins and squashes -- from miniature to gigantic -- outside the bodegas, this is the first one I've seen in a window this year. Crabby little bugger.
 This photo doesn't do it justice, but there are gorgeous flowers peaking out from those leaves. It just struck me as a cross between a New York brownstone and a cottage in the English countryside. . . .
Want to see more photos of my walk across the Village?
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