I'm The One That I Want by Margaret Cho. I was so disappointed that I couldn't make the book fair at UCLA last weekend with my friend Tracey, so she thought to buy the book for me. I missed the one-woman show when I lived in New York, but Tracey and I went to see the film last fall in Santa Monica. If you want to know how much my friends rock, Tracey even had it autographed:
Erica Good luck in New York! -Margaret Cho . . . I'm also still reading Simple Indulgence: Easy, Everyday Things to Do for Me by Janet Eastman. I'm such a dork, I keep reading the quotes and ideas, but not doing the journalling portion.
"..." |
"Someday we'll find it the rainbow connection the lovers, the dreamers and me alllll of us under it's spell."
-Kermit THE Frog
Stuck in my head: "Boogie-oogie-oogie get down."
Thank you, Disco Stu! (My favorite Simpsons sight gag-cum-character.)
  I heard Britney Spears' "Bottom of My Broken Heart" while making a selection from the feminine hygeine aisle at Wal Mart and exclaimed, "Fucking Britney Spears...Gah!"
That's one of the videos I had to watch about a million times to select snippets for the web site and the enhanced CD single. Ever hearing it again is too much, too soon.
The Simpsons, The Sopranos & Armistead Maupin's Further Tales of the City. I didn't even realize there were making another one, I just happened to see it listed. I'm going to have to finish the book series now, as I think I've only read through the fourth book and this mini-series is based on the third book.
While you're visiting the Gallery of Regrettable Food, don't miss Meat!. This one in particular made me laugh until I couldn't breathe. "Sometimes meat likes to dress up and feel pretty."
Swanson Parade of Lost Identity -- women who, in probably their only 15 minutes of fame, were for the most part known only as Mrs. HisLastName.
. . .
Co-Author of The Rules to divorce! So you can't manipulate a man into marrying and staying married to you? Perhaps you have to come into it as two individuals and show who you really are from the beginning? I guess this means that no amount of growing your hair long, pretending not to be smart or funny, and "training" a man will make for a happy marriage.
. . .
Ever wonder where that dollar bill's been? Mine was in Chicago two months ago.
. . .
Another Elvis dream (I'm doing the Memphis section of my color scrapbook now, but I haven't got to Graceland yet), this one cannibalistic.
What started out as an autopsy to discover THE TRUTH, turned into Elvis Stew. It was rich and beefy. Ewwwwwwwww!
Why is it that the same personality quirks are taken as crazy and stalky by some, while loveably wacky by others? Is there some litmus test for this, so I stop wasting my time?
now I'm blogging what I'm eating, whoa.
Still literate as of 9/29/2000 12:20:01 AM
just what I needed...another dorkblog.
Jeepers, creepers, I last used my peepers on 9/29/2000 12:24:59 AM
My trip photographs, they're better than expected. Now to get them all organized, it's only been a year!

Saturday, July 08, 2000
12:38 AM
wide awake, thanks to the three naps I took today. WTF?
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3:31 AM
all over the place.
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4:39 AM
trying to remind myself that if he loved her, but slept with me anyway, I'm much better off. Even though I thought I loved him once, I haven't the first clue what love means to either of us. It's a mystery to me how people go about such things. The 50% rate of divorce isn't what surprises me, it's the 50% rate of success.
I try not to be too hard on myself because the worst part of all is, despite everything that happened, I miss my friend. He understood me intuitively better than just about anyone I've ever met. I don't exaggerate when I say that. Otherwise, he wouldn't be the one I think of after all the time and all the others that have passed. I don't want to think of him or wonder about him or give him that much importance. I suppose someone had to break my heart, if for no other reason than to remind me I have one. Still, when I look back across my sexual landscape, most everyone is completely forgetable. I could take or leave all of them, save one.
My friends and even he would say he's just Joe Smoe, another loser. But, damnit, he was my loser. (/Tongue planted firmly in cheek)
It seems as if everyone has moved on and I'm still where I was many years ago, if not further behind. I'm not comparing myself directly, but personal and spiritual growth are on-going goals for me. I'm not living up to my own expectations, yet I've no idea what to do next.
Dorothy told me a few weeks ago that it doesn't necessarily indicate a longing for him, but probably stems from the fact that I'm highly analytical (you should've seen my GRE scores) and always trying to make sense of the world around me. So E, it's not about you, it's about me.
But he'd be the first to say as much. I can't tell you how much it saddened me when E or his mom said he wasn't good enough for me. The irony was I had all these other men pursuing me whenever E came back into my life. Maybe that's why I'm thinking of calling him...he's my sexual good luck charm. It's just as well I don't call him, the men who are attracted to me physically have, thus far, had no idea how incredibly special I am.
Still, he was the only one who could carry on an intelligent conversation, treated me as if I was an intelligent human being, not some stupid sperm receptacle he just wanted to use. No other man I've dated ever laughed at my jokes, listened when I talked (heck, let me talk at all) about my ideas/theories/politics, admired my mind or made sex seem like something for me, too (rather than as a favor to him. He's the first man who wanted me and the first to want to please me. Yet he wouldn't lay a hand on me for five years, by which time he'd already met his wife, online at least. The one thing I'm thankful for is at least she encourages him, his other girlfriends were always mean and manipulative princessas. I hope they're happy, because it was so depressing watching him choose women who treated him badly, when I just wanted to be and enjoy ourselves.
Yes, I am thankful for friends like Pete and John who are the main reason I don't think men are all misogynist jerks. However, all of my close male friends placed me into the friend box very early on. Meanwhile, men who thoroughly don't comprehend that I'm ERICA JACKSON, want to fuck me like I possess the only pussy on the planet. It's a weird position to be in. I am thankful I don't choose to repeat the cycle of abuse by shacking up with the first violent asshole who pursues me relentlessly.
People say it happens when you least expect it, that you'll find The One when the time is right. The thing is, I'm not remotely ready for Mr. Right, but it would be nice to have sex or even a nice date once in a while. Surely there's something besides Mr. I like you but we're just friends, Mr. I just want to fuck you, big mama/my African queen/my exotic erotic sex beast, Mr. I like to call you Sister, Mr. We're just friends/this is just sex/I'm not good enough for you/I'm a big loser/I'm confused and Mr. You're stalking me. All I ask is mutual respect and attraction, I'm not interested in making any big plans at the moment. I guess what I want is Mr. Right Now.
After all, a woman has needs.
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5:06 AM
remiss in my accuracy. I generalized about men I was with during the 5 year E-drenched phase of my life. Since then I have met a few Mr. Right Nows, but distance and other obstacles have prevented anything a bit more regular.
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5:23 AM
an enigma, apparently. One of my regular readers asked the other day if I am bi, so I went off on this whole tangent about my roomie last summer saying I was racially and sexually confused because he never knew what I'd be -- black, white, butch, femme, gay or straight -- when I came in the door. I told him I wasn't the one who was confused, that he was the one who didn't get it.
Anyway, she wrote back to say she didn't think I was being coy, just that she finds bi women mysterious. She seemed to find this a bit exciting, too. That gave me a little tingle.
I can see from the nobody-loves-me rant below that I'm still quite heterosexist in my thinking, but I'd never rule out women, any more than I can rule out people based on their race -- there are so few people I can stand as it is, I've got to look for ways to open up the eligibility somehow. I don't tend to think of or seek out women, but if one came along who saw me for the kind, intelligent hottie I am deep down, then what choice would I have
It's funny, but I thought of E in a good way while on my trip. I went to a strip club on Bourbon Street and, as usual, the dancers were quite friendly with me (even when it was clear I had nothing to tip them with), telling me how hot/beautiful/sexy I am (I'm just as surprised as you). It reminded me of how it made E crazy to hear about me with women. Once it excited him so much, he nearly passed out. Bemused and jealous, he lumped these encounters into the "it could only happen to Erica" file. It is one of the great and hilarious ironies of my life that hot women find me sexy, while dopey, average men rarely do.
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7:43 PM
tired of being compared to every relative on my father's side of the family, particularly since it's only for their bad qualities. My mom has a particular problem with me "being on the computer all the time...just like your father." The difference is I am writing, teaching myself to work with design/code/graphics -- not downloading pornography.
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Friday, July 07, 2000
9:45 AM
not quite there, but I'm working on it.
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10:01 AM
a friend of Jezebel's Mirror.
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4:05 PM
so embarrassed. I thought I was at home alone when I came out of my bedroom from my afternoon nap. For some reason, my mom came home from work four hours early. Eeesh.
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11:13 PM
addicted to really bad TV.
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Thursday, July 06, 2000
12:00 AM
 surprised this picture (of the Golden Gate Bridge, taken from the Marina) came out as well as it did because it was foggy that day. As we crossed this intersection, we ran into my friend Rebecca, who I used to work with at Williams-Sonoma. This was especially surprising because she lives in the Sunset, not the Marina. We both looked at each other, but convinced ourselves we were mistaken. I even apologized for staring, telling her she looked like someone I knew. "Erica?!" she said. You could've knocked me over with a feather. What were the odds?
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12:15 AM
 becoming a cat lady. More cat pictures. There really is something wrong with me. I'm just in love with the little guy. I'm just as surprised as you.
I even thought of some names I'd give my future cats. It's just as well, since I'm not the marrying kind. I've been told it's because I'm terribly unattractive, but, despite my fantasies, I just don't see how it could ever work out. What an awkward system.
Watching The Awful Truth...Corporate crime busters and congratulating the South on the fact that most low end wage slaves without benefits are black. Michael Moore amazes me with his ability to tell the hard truths and yet be so damn funny.
Same Time, Next Year
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1:07 AM
altogether sick of the pressure to be beautiful and for the inexplicable assumption that one can only be beautiful if they fit a narrow laundry list of perceived physical ideals. Maybe it's bothering me more because my mother, quite to the contrary of the Fat!So? attitude, constantly bemoans and apologizes for her size. I haven't been subjected to this or being expected to follow suit in so long and I just don't know what to do about it. The easy thing would be to get my own place, which I'm considering for many reasons, but I came back to heal many of these old wounds.
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2:47 AM
beginning to think we should all be fingerpainting.
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3:31 AM
forgetful. I meant to add to that earlier post that it shouldn't matter if someone is beautiful or not, not just by certain standards, but at all. We all have so much more to contribute than the exterior of our earthly vehicle. We all pay lip service to that, but I can honestly say that, looking back, the times I've been shallow are what I regret most of all. I thought these lessons were long ago learned.
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6:44 PM
exhausted. I've had only a few naps since yesterday, no more than three hours at any one time. I wish someone would tell me the night before that they've made an early morning commitment for me.
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8:29 PM
never sure where the line lies...I am still holding back, but trying.
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9:02 PM
still amused by Salem's snoring under the bed.
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9:41 PM
sure Marilyn will be interested in the 20/20 piece I'm watching on a man who is fat, but has an "amazingly" good life. The reporter talked about how "terrifying" it must be (for him, though the narrative assumes in general) to be 600 pounds. The reporter just can't seem to process that fat people (as with blacks, women, gays, etc.) have lives, sex, talents, families, brains and any combination of other experiences and traits as anyone else.
In response to the lazy/gluttonous stereotype, Kevin Miller says, "Fat makes me one thing and that's fat."
He mentioned that, upon Fat Bastard's entrance on Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, everyone's attention in the theater turned toward him. I wish he was correct about fat being the last acceptable prejudice. True, I get shit for it more than anything else and more publicly, but I can't even say how many ignorant comments I have to hear because of my sex and color.
At any given time I've been the token black, white, biracial, female, straight, gay, rich, poor, ad infinitum. I don't like being expected to know what all black people are thinking because a) I didn't grow up around a lot of black people and b) I'd hazard to guess that neither blacks nor any other perceived homogenous group aren't monolithic. I guess my overlapping identities confuse simple minds.
I am simply sick to death of people complaining about having to be "politically correct." First of all, there is no such thing, nor were there ever thought police enforcing liberal or progressive opinions. What did happen is that women, blacks, gays and other formerly marginalized groups finally gained a little bit of access to American institutions -- jobs, media, the political system and universities. Well excuse the fuck out of us for wanting the same advantages white men have enjoyed for centeuries, but in less than one generation, the backlash is ridiculous. No, I am not saying white men are to blame, or should be punished, or are the enemy (why, most of my best friends are white men...).
What I am saying, however, is that most white kids I meet are blissfully ignorant of the advantages they have. For the record, I grew up half white, smarter than most kids of all hues and relatively middle class in the suburbs. I can clearly see the advantages that brought me (better schools, good nutrition, access to college, no worries about gangs/crime/poverty, etc.). Most importantly, I speak the language of employers, college professors and others who can grant or deny access to more privilege. So why is it so many white people bitch and moan about how awful it is to be them? We all have problems, but somehow it's OK for them to blame theirs on race. If a minority or woman did that, guess who'd be the first to call it whining? So, before you come whining to me about how awful it is to be white/male/middle class/thin these days...please, get thyself to a clue, but quick.
I think it's our duty here on this earth to come together, but first we've got to stop privileging one group/way of life and decrying all others. Life isn't meant to be a zero sum game. I am of the conviction that we have more in common than we do true divisions. Besides, we're all fat on Jupiter.
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10:22 PM
not the type to be affected by advertisements, but I'm really craving baby back ribs now that Chili's is running their commercials constantly.
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11:00 PM
so lazy, it's ridiculous.
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Wednesday, July 05, 2000
1:44 AM
always quick to forget how much I like fireworks, assuming they are lame wastes of suburban time. Still, the child in me is in awe by the bombs bursting in air and all that. I'm actually quite patriotic, I just don't want my country to turn any more fascist.
I am able to sleep anytime, anywhere. I feel asleep in the car for I don't know how long while we waited for the fireworks to start. ... I am still fascinated by the cat...he is stretched out on his back and snoring. He fits right into this family. ... I am half-watching Children of the Revolution. Stalin with an Aussie accent, weird. We also went to see Rocky and Bullwinkle near UCR this afternoon. Uneven, but fun. I think Geena Davis would've been a better physical match for Natasha, but next to Jason Alexander, nearly anyone would fit the part. ... I am hoping this is more than just a gimmick.
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2:02 AM
not sure if it's my fear or tiredness preventing me from writing more. I don't plan for this to remain shallow.
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4:01 AM
afraid, sometimes, that I am indeed as crazy as a few people have tried to convince me. The irony is that the people with the most reason to think me a crazed stalker (my ex Eric and John), don't think I am. I know I am intense in even the most casual interactions, but isn't that a matter of intelligence, passion, conviction and just the Goddess squeezing a lot of stuff in one package?. Also, there's no way I'm aware of to endure 20 years of a variety of abuse and manipulation and come out perfect, but we all are works in progress.
One person who's been on my mind lately told me never to write him again, that I needed professional help, etc. It just sticks in my craw, I don't know why. I keep reminding myself that there are certain things that just don't add up to his conclusion. As readers of my journal and anyone I've ever had an email exchange with knows, I'm wordy. That person took all my words and assumed they were about him. When I send anyone long emails about my political and philosophical theories it is only because something they've written me made me think they were intelligent enough to comprehend them.
He said I wrote, called, visited and emailed too much. The email ratio was about 2 for 1, about twice as good as I have with most of my friends because, again, I'm freakin wordy. I called two or three times in three months. The first time he gave me his number and told me to call because he might be able to help me get a job and make friends, since I was new to New York. The second call was to return his returning of my first call. The third I don't recall, but I'm sure there must've been three. I don't remember more than that. I also faxed him a drawing of his adorable doggie after said dog spent an hour on my chest at a show and wouldn't go back to him. The dog and I were instant pals. Goofy though the last may be, it serves as no red flag that I was going to show up at his house or anything else strange or scary.
The band was playing in a bar every Thursday for two months and I went almost every week. I'd just moved to NY and it was the only regular, routine thing I had in my life, having lived in various addresses in all five boroughs and Jersey City in the course of four months. I felt accepted into this family of old friends, fans and the band because he always came up to talk to me at shows, sang songs for me, talked to me from the stage, hung out with me after shows, etc. Silly me to think he thought of me as a friend.
Oddly enough, he was slipping me money, beers and lots of ego strokes even while telling his friends across the room that I was a psycho stalker. Even when I turned down the money, which I didn't need, he'd keep slipping it in my hands and saying, "You just moved here, you probably need money, huh?" I appreciated this and, thinking he'd never let me pay him back in cash, made them a gift basket. It's what I do when it's someone's birthday or to repay a favor. I'm known among my friends for my gift baskets, cakes and cooking. It was a rock and roll decadence basket with beer, cigarettes, tiny bottles of hard liquor and nudie girl cards. They thought this was funny at the time, but it's one of those things I think might have been wasted on a hard heart.
I am not sure what bothers me more -- to see anyone being so mean-spirited or to be the one on the receiving end. I wish it didn't still bother me two years later, but I hate that once a person claims you're a stalker (like a rapist or child molester), as Michael Jackson said, "the lie becomes the truth."
I also try to keep in mind the words of wonderful friends like Pete and Scott. Pete said anyone who would mistake my kindness and the love I'm brimming with as mental illness ir a threat is missing out on the Erica Jackson experience.
I met this guy on the 38 Geary who I had great conversations with and we started emailing each other just before I moved to NY. I really enjoyed our conversations but after a few weeks there was some drama about his wife finding the emails (he confused me as to which was the current email address, turns out one wasn't so much "outdated" as it was shared with his wife) and thinking we were having an affair. I'm not sure how she got that out of a few emails and chance bus encounters.
On the one hand, I did find him attractive, but on the other just having good conversations was wonderful for me, so I had no idea where that came from. I told Scott that I just didn't understand how the other person was always dumping me when I felt close, connected to the rare person who understood things I spoke about. He responded that we are ALL connected, but a lot of people refuse to acknowledge that, so it wasn't my problem or fault.
I really needed to hear all that because I was growing alarmed at how many people had told me I was some variation of a stalker or psycho over the last five years. The truth of the matter is that my behavior didn't change or escalate, their response did. Rather than be pleased at finding a good friend (as John, Scott, Pete, Dorothy and my other inner circle friends are), some people freak out and assign a psychosis to it.
Still, I was really bothered by this whole state of affairs. One day a coworker at Zomba asked me what all the situations had in common, that was probably the answer. At first I thought, "shit, what they share in common is ME...it's true, I am a psycho stalker." Then I remembered that all the people who accused me of stalking them had been "stalked" before, usually several times. For some people this is like some sort of cooler-than-thou merit badge. What sucks worst of all is that their selfish need for attention/validation, hurts people who are in true danger.
Enough words wasted on hateful souls.
I am still convinced that you can do no wrong when you try to make a friend.
Watching Woodstock. Oddly enough, I've never seen anything more than a few performance clips of this. Janis is on, yeah!
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4:05 AM
thanking Blogger, I write my first long post and the program forgets the hard breaks setting. Luckily, I typed it in a word processor first.
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4:07 AM
dellusional. I didn't select "convert line breaks" in my Blogger options after all. I'm please to report that the problem was reversed when I made the change, I didn't even have to paste the text again. My faith in Blogger is restored. ... Hendrix is on, now there's a HUGE gap in my musical knowledge to fill.
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6:13 AM
certain you may ask yourself, "What the hell happened, Erica?" But then, I guess, by definition, you'd be asking me.
Yes, I tweaked, moved, moved back, moved again, renamed, moved yet again and tweaked once more over the weekend. I don't know what came over me. Perhaps I just had a little too much time on my hands with the holiday.
It'll sound pretentious, but I just woke up in the middle of the night Saturday and the words "I am" were strongly on my mind. I guess that's what this journal has become about -- my overlapping, ebbing, flowing identities, my life-long search for self and spiritual fulfillment.
Recent Blogger posts to the MADwo diary were cut and pasted (by day) as the first entries of this new blog, for reference.
As for the Diary of a MAD Woman, it might continue, but as it was originally intended, to relate weird ass stories of real-life encounters with people who piss me off. It was never intended as a journal, it just turned into one and I never did write about the odd things that I set to do in the first place.
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6:20 AM
sure I'll be sorry for staying up all night again. Shame, shame, shame on me.
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2:56 PM
not looking forward to how pissed my mom will be to find out "my" car was stolen from our driveway today. I didn't hear it start up (I don't think I'd hear it, anyway). Since I still don't drive yet, she was going to take it for its monthly drive on Monday but didn't. I am hoping against hope that she tried to take it today and it didn't start, so she had it towed and took her car.
I don't think I've ever felt safe in this house. I don't think of it as a bad neighborhood, it's one of those lookalike suburban developments. However, our house has been broken into, as have a couple of the neighbors. Maybe that ratio isn't so bad for 15 years, but it still creeps you the fuck out. With my dad and a neighbor, we were afraid the the thief would come back for retribution because both were close enough to see the crooks in question. That is, if they'd had their glasses on.
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3:23 PM
very relieved that mom took the car in for some work since had some extra time today. She took the morning off work because it's the boy's first day of school. She said she thought she told me. I asked her to leave a note next time. I nearly had a coronary.
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10:46 PM
surprised to learn Cheng and Eng, the original "Siamese" twins, owned slaves.
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11:28 PM
touched by things James says. To my former building manager in SF, he said I was home in SF and needed to return. I think that's pretty clear in this picture. I am standing at the F street car line stop on Market near Church Street. The Fellini Safeway is back, and to the left.
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11:34 PM
 still in love with San Francisco, can't you tell? Here is where James and I saw a guy and both exclaimed that he was wearing my Sun Studios T-shirt (though it was slightly different from mine and this was the following day). What you can't see in the picture is the park behind us to the left and the bay to the left. There's a great view straight down Haight Street.
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11:43 PM
 always amazed and amused that the office building for all these stuffy corporations (for example, Pillsbury Madison and Sutro, attorneys to Chevron) is in this wacky ass building.This one felt like the TransAmerica Pyramid was going to fall on me.
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11:52 PM
 a book fiend, but somehow I never stopped at City Lights, despite staying at a hostel less than two blocks away. I'm not big on the beat writers, but this is a very San Francisco bookstore. Since I love San Francisco and I love books, I spent a lot of time there. Don't miss the upstairs room. I think reading is encouraged there.
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Tuesday, July 04, 2000
6:53 AM
starting something new.
Saturday, July 1, 2000
Kristin, you've created a 3-headed blogmonster! posted by Erica Jackson 7/1/2000 6:16:18 PM Am I hearing things or did the HBO voiceover dude just describe Ellen Degeneres as "the seminal comedian of the..."? Ya gotta love that. posted by Erica Jackson 7/1/2000 6:00:42 PM The move is nixed until I move my zillions of graphics files in the right place. That, or I'll have to just put the blog at http://www.imericaonline.com/madwo, so the relative links will work. Sorry to go off half-cocked. posted by Erica Jackson 7/1/2000 6:49:05 AM Salem is out of his mind. He is currently sitting on the window ledge. Before that, he was in a photo box my mom gave me to keep all my trip photos together. Before that, he stood on his hind legs, front paws on the railing of the day bed, looking out the window for a good half hour. He just discovered this perch since I moved the bed under the window a few weeks ago.
posted by Erica Jackson 7/1/2000 6:33:19 AM Finally, it begins. I hope this change will encourage me to update whenever I have something to say. I'd locked myself into a design that took forever for each update. I want the freedom to just jot down a few thoughts or to write more significant pieces without worrying about design. posted by Erica Jackson 7/1/2000 5:24:31 AM
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6:54 AM
Sunday, July 2, 2000
I'm watching Baps, I thought it would be cheesy, but it's fun at least.
posted by Erica Jackson 7/2/2000 5:51:47 AM
It's finally happened. I'm becoming a cat lady. I never thought of myself as a cat person, having never had one before. For that reason, the cat just fascinates me no end.
 He's moody, private, curious, funny, it's like having a baby in the house again. You see the world through their eyes. Plus, he's just such a cutie.
posted by Erica Jackson 7/2/2000 5:47:33 AM
We had an unexpected call from my aunt early this morning. She was in the Empire (I love calling it that, it sounds E-vil) for my uncle's step son's wedding (actually, I initially thought it was his stepdaughter, but at the end of the evening, I thought someone said his wife was the mother of the groom). Anyway, she was only 15 miles away, so of course we had to see her. Despite my overall issues with family, she's always been really cool and auntlike. She was the youngest child and my dad was the first grandchild, so they pretty much grew up together. She's always seemed like more of an aunt than a great aunt. We had a nice visit. They are all quite enamored of my little bro. One of the step daughters kept asking him random questions and the human computer knew it all -- baseball, Spanish, state capitals, you name it. He learned to read when he was two, without anyone reading to him or anything. I thought I was smart growing up, but he just knocks my socks off. Somehow I'd never met my uncle's wife or her kids, they didn't come to dad's funeral and I didn't go to the family reunion the past few years. It was nice to meet them, I seem to be coming into a whole lot of family these days. That's remarkable because I always forget how many friends and family I have. I have a lot to be thankful for, despite the very real problems.
posted by Erica Jackson 7/2/2000 4:22:51 AM
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6:55 AM
sharing the archive.
Monday, July 3, 2000 Why didn't anyone tell me John Taylor was on Politically Incorrect tonight? Mmmmmmm... posted by Erica Jackson 7/3/2000 10:55:02 PM
The boy and I went to get haircuts whereupon I spent more money than should be allowed by law on a conditioner that promises to "non-chemically" straighten my hair. I don't want it perfectly straight, I just want the curls relaxed to about twice their size or a nice wave, so I can get a comb through it. I might even consider growing it longer if this stuff is as effective at relaxing my hair as it was my spending hand. Still, since I have hardly any hair, it'll probably last for 6 months or until I lose it. Guess which one comes first.I also bought $80 worth of underwear. I can't imagine how, but there it was. I was going to mail order it, but I have no idea where I put the catalog I stashed (great to hide something from others and end up hiding it from oneself). Mom throws all the others out. I've really gotta get some cool pants so I can bear the 90-105 average temperature here. Also, the undies are less expensive in the catalog, though they have cuter ones in the store. Trade off, I guess. ... Took the boy to the toy store because I've been promising to buy him a basketball, but never got around to it before. I also thought we should try some card and board games because I don't think he should play video games as much as he does. Besides, it's the first thing my mom restricts him from, so he either plays them all day or can't at all. I bought some Uno cards because I don't know what happened to my cards. I also like how you can be all vicious when you play Uno. We played the longest game because I didn't shuffle the cards enough. We each got to Uno several times, but got up to as many as a dozen cards, with neither having anything to play. I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to sit on the outdoor, upstairs tables outside the food court, but we only lost one yellow 0 when the wind kicked up. Amazingly, we found it when we left the mall about 20 minutes later. Mom picked us up and we had dinner at one of the many bakery/restaurants in the area. I never realized before that we have three such chains here. I always think in terms of what SF and NY have that the Empire doesn't, but neither one has so much as a Target. It's really hard to find good deals on basics like toilet paper, soap, feminine products and housewares in the big city. You can, but you usually have to schelp them in from the suburbs. ... It was great fun to shot a few hoops with the boy. I thought the basketball and board games would be some good things to play together. Also, it's good for him to get outside the house more. Great for me, too. I was amazed to find out how fun and polite he was on the basketball court. He kept fetching my ball. I didn't ask him to and I did it myself for quite a while, but then he just started doing it. He tends to complain when we ask him to do anything (clean his room, put his clothes in the dirty clothes hamper, change the litter, feed the cat, etc.), so I really appreciated him doing something without being asked, something I wouldn't even ask of him. Maybe from there we can work on all the complaining and backtalk, because my patience is worn thin in just two months. I don't want to lose my temper with him, but on the other hand, he needs to learn to stop correcting everything we do and say and disobeying constantly. I don't want every day to be a battle, just to get him to do basic things. I keep telling him, I'd rather he take 30 seconds to do the things we expect of him (mostly taking care of himself and the cat), rather than us having to tell him 3+ times for everything. That way, we can spend more time enjoying each other. Much better, I say. posted by Erica Jackson 7/3/2000 9:27:30 PM Last night we went back to my aunt's hotel to drop off what *NSYNC, Britney and Backstreet goodies I have left for one of the step-cousins. I didn't want to go because that was the day of the wedding and I figured it would run over. Mom said she didn't hear me, so off we went. Somehow she got it in her head that they'd be back at 9:30, maybe the reception was supposed to end at 9, I'm not sure. But those things always run over, especially for the family members.Anyway when we were sitting in the lobby of this fairly nice Radisson, a guest came in the back door with a hooker. As he walked by, my mom kept shaking her head. I found that hilarious for some reason, but had to stifle a laugh. It was her tattoos that convinced me they weren't an actual couple. Not that I'm against tattoos, as you can see, but hers looked like prison tattoos, all green and faded, the lines broad and imprecise.Last night we went back to my aunt's hotel to drop off what *NSYNC, Britney and Backstreet goodies I have left for one of the step-cousins. I didn't want to go because that was the day of the wedding and I figured it would run over. Mom said she didn't hear me, so off we went. Somehow she got it in her head that they'd be back at 9:30, maybe the reception was supposed to end at 9, I'm not sure. But those things always run over, especially for the family members. While we were waited in the lobby of this fairly nice Radisson, a guest came in the back door with a hooker. As he walked by, my mom kept shaking her head. I found that hilarious for some reason, but had to stifle a laugh. It was her tattoos that convinced me they weren't an actual couple. Not that I'm against tattoos, as you can see, but hers looked like prison tattoos, all green and faded, the lines broad and imprecise. The real tip off was how they'd looked like they never held hands before. Also, she looked kind of dirty and kept her head down. I wonder, how do men who are travelling know where to pick up hookers (meaning the street kind, as opposed to those who "massage" and call girls)? Actually, I've seen sex travel guides with lists of massage parlors and call girl services, but I guess some even give out the appropriate street corners posted by Erica Jackson 7/3/2000 8:54:19 PM
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7:12 AM
ready to begin. So there it is then.
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11:35 PM
confused. I guess that's what all this is about. I am in an inbetween phase in my life. I don't want to work just yet and that's just as well because I'm not finding any jobs that appeal to me or that I'm qualified for. I hated being a secretary, so I'm avoiding that if possible.
I am living with my mother, which isn't ideal, but it beats the hell out of working 16 hours a day just to get by, so it'll have to do for now.
I am undecided.
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