I'm The One That I Want by Margaret Cho. I was so disappointed that I couldn't make the book fair at UCLA last weekend with my friend Tracey, so she thought to buy the book for me. I missed the one-woman show when I lived in New York, but Tracey and I went to see the film last fall in Santa Monica. If you want to know how much my friends rock, Tracey even had it autographed:
Erica Good luck in New York! -Margaret Cho . . . I'm also still reading Simple Indulgence: Easy, Everyday Things to Do for Me by Janet Eastman. I'm such a dork, I keep reading the quotes and ideas, but not doing the journalling portion.
"..." |
"Someday we'll find it the rainbow connection the lovers, the dreamers and me alllll of us under it's spell."
-Kermit THE Frog
Stuck in my head: "Boogie-oogie-oogie get down."
Thank you, Disco Stu! (My favorite Simpsons sight gag-cum-character.)
  I heard Britney Spears' "Bottom of My Broken Heart" while making a selection from the feminine hygeine aisle at Wal Mart and exclaimed, "Fucking Britney Spears...Gah!"
That's one of the videos I had to watch about a million times to select snippets for the web site and the enhanced CD single. Ever hearing it again is too much, too soon.
The Simpsons, The Sopranos & Armistead Maupin's Further Tales of the City. I didn't even realize there were making another one, I just happened to see it listed. I'm going to have to finish the book series now, as I think I've only read through the fourth book and this mini-series is based on the third book.
While you're visiting the Gallery of Regrettable Food, don't miss Meat!. This one in particular made me laugh until I couldn't breathe. "Sometimes meat likes to dress up and feel pretty."
Swanson Parade of Lost Identity -- women who, in probably their only 15 minutes of fame, were for the most part known only as Mrs. HisLastName.
. . .
Co-Author of The Rules to divorce! So you can't manipulate a man into marrying and staying married to you? Perhaps you have to come into it as two individuals and show who you really are from the beginning? I guess this means that no amount of growing your hair long, pretending not to be smart or funny, and "training" a man will make for a happy marriage.
. . .
Ever wonder where that dollar bill's been? Mine was in Chicago two months ago.
. . .
Another Elvis dream (I'm doing the Memphis section of my color scrapbook now, but I haven't got to Graceland yet), this one cannibalistic.
What started out as an autopsy to discover THE TRUTH, turned into Elvis Stew. It was rich and beefy. Ewwwwwwwww!
Why is it that the same personality quirks are taken as crazy and stalky by some, while loveably wacky by others? Is there some litmus test for this, so I stop wasting my time?
now I'm blogging what I'm eating, whoa.
Still literate as of 9/29/2000 12:20:01 AM
just what I needed...another dorkblog.
Jeepers, creepers, I last used my peepers on 9/29/2000 12:24:59 AM
My trip photographs, they're better than expected. Now to get them all organized, it's only been a year!

Saturday, August 19, 2000
3:50 AM
feeling the love. Last week I sent out a whiny missive to my notify list of the "waaa, nobody reads me...waaa, nobody links to me...waaa, nobody loves me!" variety. In the last three days I've discovered that yes indeed, I am getting a respectable number of visitors (well, by my standards, anyway) and have found three new people who've linked to me. The latest is a right smart fishy.
Whine and ye shall receive...bitch and it shall be given unto you.
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4:01 AM
redesigning yet again, it's a birthday thang. Here are some of the failed attempts at a new journal masthead (and it's literally my head):



Dewy! No sooner than I finished the redesign, I went and redesigned myself. Straightening, though less radical than the pink, is something I generally oppose as a form of cultural genocide, but boredom got the better of politics, as it was clearly time for a change. No, that's not how I plan to wear it (hmmmmm...maybe), it's fresh out of the shower, which is also evident in my dew-kissed pink cheeks. I feel so fresh!

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4:27 AM
up way past my bedtime once again. It's always when I need to get up early, too. My mom's working tomorrow, so I need to be awake to take care of The Boy. He's always up at 6 a.m. on Saturdays, of all days, to watch cartoons. I. am. not. a. morning. person. Ugh.
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Friday, August 18, 2000
12:36 AM
not interested in joining a "People of Color" webring that only includes blacks. How disappointing.
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11:57 PM
belatedly and furiously researching options to see John's show tomorrow night. Looks like the best plan is to take the bus from Fullerton (I think my mom will take me that far), the train from there to San Juan Capistrano, then a cab to the show, stay at a hotel (OK, more like a motel, cab it to the bus station and take a bus from there back home on Sunday, very early in the am. Alternatively, I could take the train from San Clemente to L.A., now that I'm an old pro, and then take Metrolink back home the the Inland Empire (I love saying that, it sounds so sinister!)...no matter what, I have a feeling I'll end up pooped.
Really must learn to drive, it can't be that hard, judging by the morons who do it. I just have to alter my paradigm. The left side of the car is foreign territory for me, I don't even sit in the back seat on that side. Ever.
It'll be more than worth it to see JohnE play. I haven't seen him perform in two years, shortly after I moved to New York. It seems everything in the timeline of my life will be X-time before/after I moved to/left New York. *sigh*
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Thursday, August 17, 2000
1:33 AM
ambivalent about being labeled (or expected or presumed to be) "black and proud." Should the Jackson side of me then be "white and ashamed?" It's not denial, it's just not an essential identification. That's hard to explain, particularly in these days of "other" politics...chickens having come home to roost and all. I tend to think of myself as 1. writer, 2. geek, 3. feminista, 4. bitch, 5. biracial, 6.traveller/world citizen, 7. woman in pretty much that order.
Nevertheless, the linkwhore in me loves any kind of attention. Wow, what a gorgeous design Miss Elisabeth has, among other things.
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3:14 AM
ashamed to say how hot I find those Christina Aguilara concert ticket ads on MTV. As Pamie put it, Britney's a tease, but deep down you know Christina's gonna give you what you need.
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3:35 AM
in serious New Orleans withdrawal. I don't know if it is the drinking, sleeping until 2, or the incredible food. Maybe I just yearn for the road. I didn't do enough there, mostly I just drank on Bourbon Street. I don't think I went anywhere but the Quarter, which I knew I'd like, but thought I'd have more discipline!
I want to go to Europe, too. The money's going very quickly and all these dreams are too lofty.
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3:42 AM
impressed as I read more deeply into Miss Elisabeth. She can write circles around most of the bloggers I've found recently. It also helps that she has something (a lot of somethings, in fact) to say. Even I blog mindlessly at times, but it's really disappointing when someone has a great name or design and then you discover that's all they have. I'm getting more and more into design, but I'll never be one to put style over substance.
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9:43 PM
oddly photogenic. You know how most people look worse in pictures and apologize for how they look before they show you? I don't know why, but I usually look better. Even my state ID photos look better than the reality. I have all these scars on my forehead (or at least I did, I can't remember now) from the Zit Wars that my mom thought were cute little freckles.
In photographs, my skin looks smooth and even, my bushy eyebrows become perfectly arched, my teeth brilliantly white. Sometimes the pictures come back and I don't know who that woman is. I'm just sayin'...so you know that this person with the gorgeous James is actually only a facsimile of the real-life Erica.

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9:46 PM
turning into one of those people who takes pictures of their cat's every move.

What's happening to me?
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9:54 PM
all smirky in this picture, which the shameless side of me insisted on sending in to Heather for Friends of Jezebel's Mirror:

What was I thinking with the beret? Monica much?
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10:05 PM
pretty irritated with at Wal*Mart for not scanning in my film. I don't know if it's just a coincidence, but the two rolls they didn't scan were the black and whites. They were taken on color-process film, so I guess I should just be relieved they didn't charge me the $20 or whatever ridiculous amount they charge for processing B&W film. I chose to get the matte finish, which looks really amazing. It's a glossy world, so I have an unusual appreciation for matte. ... Of the 10 rolls of film I dropped off ($130! with double prints and CDs), 6 were from Graceland so I can't use them until Lisa Marie gives me permission (to use my own photographs!), two others are from the Britney Spears show and then the two without CDs that I'll have to scan or wait around until I get back to Wal*Mart (I've got to learn to drive for this reason alone) or however they want to handle scanning the negatives they should've scanned in the first place. ... Surely Wolf can't be any worse, even though they bought out the local, independent photo store where I first bought Tri-X and photo paper?
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10:10 PM
not sure if I'm going to see John play on Saturday, but if you're in Southern California, you should. They still don't have the correct homepage URL, but Flem's site is cool.
Have I mentioned that my ex's band is opening for Berlin there the following Saturday? Small, freakin' world.
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10:40 PM
amazed at the music sites stealing the pictures I've modified for John's site (ergo, I know they got them from the site, instead of from press kits...well, that and the fact that they don't even rename the pictures!), but not linking to John's actual site.
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11:04 PM
more forgetful than I remembered. I know Pamie mentioned recently in an entry after one of her many recent trips that flight attendants instruct passengers to "deplane" after a trip. She's not the only one to marvel at the use of this made up word -- particularly given we don't "plane" in the first place, but, rather, board. I can't remember all the other journallers who've made this observation recently, but there are several.
I'm sorry to say I can top that. Saturday, when the train pulled into Union Station, the conductor instructed passengers to detrain.
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Wednesday, August 16, 2000
11:02 PM
completely fucking up this blog. My apologies.
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Tuesday, August 15, 2000
12:02 AM
going to be 29 years old in 13 days. Somehow, that just doesn't seem right. Surely I was just 24 last year and 15 the year before that.
It's not so much a neurotic aging thing (though working at Zomba/Jive did turn an amazing amount of my hair gray), as it is just that I'm incredulous that so much time has passed. I really don't know where all the time went.
It really doesn't seem like 14 years ago that I met some of my best friends in life, or 10 years ago that my brother was born. It's all going so fast and I wonder what the next 10 or 15 will be like.
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4:36 PM
so self-centered. It's no accident that my slogan is all about ME, baby.
Today's Ericamania actually started weeks ago. I've casually had my eye out for a dress to wear to Dorothy's wedding. When I've found a dress I like, it's either too dark and depressing for a wedding. On the other hand, others are quite the opposite -- it's in white, which is inappropriate in another way entirely. Oh yeah, then there are all the foofy, girly, lacey dresses that I wouldn't be caught dead in.
Is it so much to ask that I find a dress under $100 that is comfortable but dressy, pretty but not frou-frou, pastel but not pink? I guess I'm too picky. I know it's not about anyone looking at me, but that's sort of the point. I don't want to wear something wrong. I don't go to a lot of weddings and I don't want to wear the same dress I did at my cousin's. First of all, it's an outdoor wedding, so that dress is too lightweight. Secondly, I was travelling cross-country at the time, so I don't think a too-casual dress that I just happen to have in my suitcase is the one to pick.
It's just a month away, so I've really got to get going.
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4:37 PM
terribly paranoid. I dreamed one of my online acquaintances was indeed a psycho serial killer. In the dream, I'd invited her to come stay with me, natch.
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4:49 PM
not all bad. It's just that some of my less desireable traits are coming out right now. I guess I could blame the stress I'm going through right now. I have a relatively simple and easy life at the moment, but there are a couple of really deep-seated factors that tend to make things pretty awful. I'm really starting to take the steps toward getting my own place. I'd like to learn to drive (already having the car and all) and get a laptop first.
Otherwise, I'm ready to go. I'm trying to figure out if I can afford to do it while going to school and paying off my bills. After all, apartments are really, really cheap here. That is, as Trace reminded me, because it's in an outer circle of hell. Still, between the car and train, I should be able to get into L.A. often enough. I just need my own space, my music, my books, my clothes and the right to more self-determination. I'm sick of having my living situation waved over my head the moment I don't cow-tow. I've never been much for kissing ass, especially when part of the demand is agreeing that I'm wrong when I'm not. John says to bite my tongue, which I've been doing, but I can only bite down so hard.
As I believe I said before, I wish my mother nagged my father when he was beating the hell out of me as much as she nags me now when she cannot control me. All my life, I wished my parents didn't think of me (and now my brother), as a possession to be controlled.
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Monday, August 14, 2000
4:15 AM
very forgetful.
I wrote Trace to tell her about yesterday's entry so she could see the pictures and to ask if she wanted a psuedonym. It's all pretty harmless stuff, I told her, though some of the goss was really juicy and tempting to mention here. She said she had no problem with her name being used or the content, except I forgot one really important highlight of the day.
The all-day Backstreet Boys singalong! How could I forget that? It was the thread that gave the day a semblance of continuity. I guess it's a lucky thing I wrote while it was all fresh in my feeble little mind last night, or who knows what I would've left out? It was mostly "Larger Than Life" (with bonus choreography!), though "I Want It That Way" also came to the fore quite a few times.
As Tracey is one of the lucky people who went to the Britney Spears concert with me two weeks ago, there was much singing of "Oops! I Did It Again...I sang the same song..." as well. Also, *NSYNC (Tracey, like 99% of people who write articles about the boyband, wasn't aware of the all-important, new, legal spelling) lyrics crossed our lips a few times, too.
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6:06 PM
ashamed to admit that I had a nasty sex dream with Eddie from Big Brother. Don't ask me why. It's bad enough that I watch that shit, but that certainly took me by surprise.
I dunno, maybe he reminds me of someone. Isn't he from New Jersey? I had this really nasty boy from Jersey once, that could be it. In the dream, he was a dirty, nasty talker, trying to fuck me right through the wall. I guess it has been a long time.
Maybe I should get out more.
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6:17 PM
a bit of a dunderhead sometimes. I applied for a webring last night that sounded really cool, but will no doubt reject my entry. You see, I mindlessly typed in the URL to this blog/journal although the requirements specifically said the ring was for women who knew a weblog is not a website. In other words, they wanted the URL to the main site and the ring code should appear on the main/top level index page. Whoops.
Brains, brains...where'd ya go? ... The thing was, I was looking for rings into which this journal fit because yesterday I sent a big whiny email to my notify list (you should really get on it, you know) about how I just wasn't getting the response and traffic I expected and wanted. I confess, I'm petty and seek external validation. I'm a writer, it's the nature of the beast. While I don't want to worry about what market I'm writing for, I do hope to connect with like-minded people through my writing/sites.
Dora responded with a really wonderful note, saying sometimes great things take a while to catch on and that I was doing excellent work I should be proud of. I guess I know that and I've grown a lot in my skills, I just needed to hear it. Thanks, D!
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6:44 PM
hearing things. I was utterly disturbed when I thought the announcer in a Eureka commercial said, cheerfully "Say goodbye to fags!" It's a vacuum cleaner, they were referring to bags, of course.
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7:25 PM
completely disgusted by the Bush campaign's use of George P. Bush to attract young and, particularly minority, voters. Am I the only one who remembers grandpa George Herbert Walker Bush's "the little brown ones" remark? I think little slips like that are very telling.
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10:20 PM
sure I couldn't feel any older than knowing my mom watches MTV, too. She's totally addicted to Road Rules and Real World. Shouldn't she be watching VH-1? Shouldn't VH-1 have far fewer hot babes in the videos? WTF?
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Sunday, August 13, 2000
5:26 AM
such a tourist. Went into LA today via Metrolink for the first time today. With the exception of the Sparks game and Britney concert at the Forum recently, I haven't been to LA for about five years. Just before I moved to San Francisco, I did all the Southern California stuff I could, since I had no idea when I'd be back.

What I love about the ticket is how it has film cameras as the background image. These trains run all over Southern California, but how L.A. is the ticket?

I'm a big fan of trains, I love to stare out the windows and daydream. I read, write and sleep on them easily. The cars are very clean and the seats high enough not to cut into my back. Overall, the train and even the stations, reminded me of Cal Train up in the San Francisco bay area. Some sets of seats even had tables, so I wrote a note in reply to Rosie, my best friend from 7th grade and read further into Harry Potter 3.

I sat on the second floor, as I always do on Cal Train, and took in the view. The foothills and wild flowers are marvelous. It's been so hot, I haven't wandered around nearly enough to take in the area. Sunflowers grow wild here, I saw some in the middle of a junkyard and was reminded of how I fell in love with them when I took botany in college. They are so beautiful and strong. I also think it's amazing that they are not one flower, but formed from hundreds of tiny flowers. What we perceive as "petals" are actually individual, ray flowers growing out of the base. They always remind me of Eric, because he was one of my field trip partners in that class and because they just fit his personality.

It was all very easy, with the exception of getting to the station. There are only two trains into LA on Saturday, one at 7:30 and one in the late afternoon. That meant getting up at the butt crack of dawn and taking a cab because city buses weren't yet running. They really need to coordinate that better. Still, it was very comfy and clean. I even managed to switch to the subway (Metrolink is regional, the subway is just LA County) with no calamities. It's the strangest thing in the world to come out of the subway and find myself in LA, instead of SF or NY. It will take some getting used to, though I'm glad I can get around. I'm not sure I'll ever adapt to driving. Despite the alleged convenience, you can't read, write, daydream or sleep while driving. I've been spoiled by great train systems.
I spent the day with my longtime friend Tracey. We met in 1987, shortly after our names were next to each others on a Dramarama album. Fittingly enough, we met at a Duran Duran show that same summer when I literally bumped into one of the boys from Dramarama after the show. She always jogs my memory of Duran and Dramarama-related incidents. Between the two of us, we can tell the whole story. I'm glad, because with her help, That Book will get written. ... We originally planned to see Margaret Cho's concert film I'm the One That I Want. I missed it when she was in New York last year. When I called the NuArt on Thursday, it was no longer playing until the 14th, as it said on Cho's site, but ending that very night. I obviously couldn't go in to the city on a week night. The trains don't run late enough, for one thing. We decided to check the newspaper for movies and events over breakfast. Care to guess where we ate?

Man, was it good! Both the chicken and the waffles were golden, crispy and tasty. I thought I'd have the Carol C., one chicken breast and one waffle. Instead, we had the 'Scoe's special, with the chicken smothered in gravy and onions. We ate nearly all of it and were properly stuffed. Although it was breakfast, it ended up covering lunch, too. Overall, I'd reccomend it for the unique combination and execution of the food with a caveat about the service. It's the kind of joint where you don't see the server again until it's time for the check. I would've liked some milk with my waffles and I desperately needed water, since I dropped my bottle behind my wall unit this morning and hadn't yet had any.

As it turns out, the Margaret Cho film was still playing, but at another theatre in the chain. Then Tracey came up with the idea of a movie marathon, which originally started as the result of an LA Times article I read about the current popularity of Peter Pan Syndrome movies. We were going to see Autumn in New York, Chuck and Buck and Tao of Steve. Because Margaret Cho was still in the picture, we decided to see her movie and the last two bad boy movies.

The movie was great, funny and touching. I had no idea how badly the network had treated Cho during the short run of her series, All-American Girl. I knew they'd hassled her about her weight, but I didn't realize how far it had gone. Imagine being told you're not thin enough to play yourself. Christ. It was filmed at the Warfield in San Francisco. When the marquee appeared, Tracey said, "I've been there." Not to be outdone, I replied, "I saw Danzig there." Long story.
We drove all over: the Sunset Strip, Walk of Fame, Beverly Hills and Santa Monica. It was all so different from how I remembered it, and yet so familiar. I came of age on the Sunset Strip, you must realize. Backstage at the Roxy and Hollywood Palladium were home for me as a teenager. I thank my lucky stars that Dramarama were the sweetest of men, taking me under their collective wing as a little sister, instead of being seedy and taking advantage of my trust. Only I could befriend a bunch of rock bands and have it be entirely innocent.

Next, we bought our tickets for Tao of Steve and stopped in the Virgin Megastore. I picked up the The Glamorous Life: Live . Not, it's not by Sheila E., but the New York Dolls...trying to fill in my '70s rock vaccum. Also snagged The Monkees' Greatest Hits because all of mine are on vinyl and in storage in San Francisco. Finally, Tracey highly reccomended Bye Bye Baby by Caroline Sullivan. It's about her obsession with the Bay City Rollers. I'm sure I'll be able to relate.
I predict Tao of Steve will be met by the following response from women my age: "Oh. My. Gawd. I dated that guy!" There are many men in my past that I never give a second thought to, but there are a couple I'll always wonder about. One thing I wonder is how much was real and how much were complicated tactics to get laid. Really, just come out with it, I say.

We had planned on seeing the similarly-themed Chuck and Buck, but hunger and the subway schedule conspired against us. We had dinner at a Wolfgang Puck cafe. At first, I thought Trace was jiving me, because I didn't realize he had several cafes in addition to Spago, which is too rich for my blood. The food was reasonably priced, the decor bright and eclectic, the service superb and the view of Sunset (or was it Hollywood?) Boulevard divine. I almost ordered fettucine Wolf-fredo, but since I make that all the time at home, I decided at the last minute to have the salmon on a bed of spinach. It was incredible. I also needed to eat something extra-healthy, because I was still dehydrated and feeling crappy. It fit the bill perfectly.
On the way out, we saw Conchata Ferrell in the elevator and I complimented her Volkswagen wagon. I almost bought one in high school, but the woman wanted $2k for it and it was all rusted out. Afterward, in the car, Trace kept repeating, "Bite me, Krispy Kreme!" Julia Roberts' character's insult to Ferrell's character in Erin Brockovich. I joked that people probably tell her, "Oh, I just love you on 'The Practice!'" (That's not her, by the way, it's Camryn Manheim, raucous fat woman of the moment.) Confidential to Tracey: I was right, she was on "E/R," the mid-80s comedy. What are the odds that George Clooney would be on two entirely different series called "E/R?"

Afterward, we went to Aron's Records and picked up some used CDs. Sadly, I saw at least 15 used copies (more than there were new, btw) of Duran Duran's latest, Pop Trash, which just came out in mid-June. Even sadder, I picked up both promo and commercial copies of it. Also picked up some belated CDs, because I'm at least 10 years behind the times. These were: Pre-History, The Jackson 5; Yes I am, Melissa Etheridge; and No Alternative. God, I've just got to reunite my entire CD and vinyl collection. I'm strewn all about, it's just not right.
Never thought I'd see a subway station at Hollywood and Vine.

I can neither believe how much cool stuff we did, nor how fast the time went. I originally planned to take the 5:45 train back home, but discovered there was another train on a line I hadn't even checked because I didn't know it came to my city. That bought me almost 3 hours, but in the end I was rushing around Union Station. Unfortunately for me, the bathrooms were on the other side of the train tracks so that I passed my train and had to run back. On this particular route, however, it took me 2 hours to get home, instead of one, so I knew I'd never last that long.
It's way past my bed time...
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