I'm The One That I Want by Margaret Cho. I was so disappointed that I couldn't make the book fair at UCLA last weekend with my friend Tracey, so she thought to buy the book for me. I missed the one-woman show when I lived in New York, but Tracey and I went to see the film last fall in Santa Monica. If you want to know how much my friends rock, Tracey even had it autographed:
Erica Good luck in New York! -Margaret Cho . . . I'm also still reading Simple Indulgence: Easy, Everyday Things to Do for Me by Janet Eastman. I'm such a dork, I keep reading the quotes and ideas, but not doing the journalling portion.
"..." |
"Someday we'll find it the rainbow connection the lovers, the dreamers and me alllll of us under it's spell."
-Kermit THE Frog
Stuck in my head: "Boogie-oogie-oogie get down."
Thank you, Disco Stu! (My favorite Simpsons sight gag-cum-character.)
  I heard Britney Spears' "Bottom of My Broken Heart" while making a selection from the feminine hygeine aisle at Wal Mart and exclaimed, "Fucking Britney Spears...Gah!"
That's one of the videos I had to watch about a million times to select snippets for the web site and the enhanced CD single. Ever hearing it again is too much, too soon.
The Simpsons, The Sopranos & Armistead Maupin's Further Tales of the City. I didn't even realize there were making another one, I just happened to see it listed. I'm going to have to finish the book series now, as I think I've only read through the fourth book and this mini-series is based on the third book.
While you're visiting the Gallery of Regrettable Food, don't miss Meat!. This one in particular made me laugh until I couldn't breathe. "Sometimes meat likes to dress up and feel pretty."
Swanson Parade of Lost Identity -- women who, in probably their only 15 minutes of fame, were for the most part known only as Mrs. HisLastName.
. . .
Co-Author of The Rules to divorce! So you can't manipulate a man into marrying and staying married to you? Perhaps you have to come into it as two individuals and show who you really are from the beginning? I guess this means that no amount of growing your hair long, pretending not to be smart or funny, and "training" a man will make for a happy marriage.
. . .
Ever wonder where that dollar bill's been? Mine was in Chicago two months ago.
. . .
Another Elvis dream (I'm doing the Memphis section of my color scrapbook now, but I haven't got to Graceland yet), this one cannibalistic.
What started out as an autopsy to discover THE TRUTH, turned into Elvis Stew. It was rich and beefy. Ewwwwwwwww!
Why is it that the same personality quirks are taken as crazy and stalky by some, while loveably wacky by others? Is there some litmus test for this, so I stop wasting my time?
now I'm blogging what I'm eating, whoa.
Still literate as of 9/29/2000 12:20:01 AM
just what I needed...another dorkblog.
Jeepers, creepers, I last used my peepers on 9/29/2000 12:24:59 AM
My trip photographs, they're better than expected. Now to get them all organized, it's only been a year!

Saturday, January 06, 2001
3:13 AM
off to visit Dorothy in the morning (early in my book, but not really), so here's a little hello before I go. I'm about to install my new sound card from James, whose material giving is more than eclipsed by his generosity of spirit. I've also updated some information that may or may not well, fuck my computer upon restarting. Hope not.
If it does, who knows when I'll get it fixed. If it doesn't, I'll be in fabulous shape and all multimedia to the max! Wish me well. Besitos.
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Friday, January 05, 2001
1:47 AM
such a go-getter. It's amazing how just revising one's resume can take half a day. I realized it was not as polished or concise as I wanted. Also, I wanted to make the paper and online versions more consistent.
It could still use some pruning, but it's much better. I actually got the administrative version down from 2 pages to 1. Now if I could just work those miracles on the prodcuer, design, DTP and proofreading versions. The last two should be fine, but the first two, not so much.
The online resume is a hybrid of all of them. The sections are more detailed than the printable version, but it's a good summary of the information from the different sections.
Also, it looks loads better, I think. I got rid of the gray and stuck with completely red pages for the sections, using white for the printable version. I know the red is risky, but it's very me, so I hope that's how it's taken. Of course, I can always link directly to the printable version as needed.
Finally, I did away with columns for the most part, because they cause problems with resume scanning software. Another major oversight was leaving out several software titles and, in the interest of brevity, typing "Microsoft Office," rather than all the individual programs. It takes more space, but since companies search by specific programs, I am getting a lot more views on Monster and Hot Jobs. Yay me!
Please feel free to let me know if you see any *gasp* typos or anything that's unclear. I'll be very embarassed, but also quite relieved to catch them early.
. . . I also wrote several versions of a new cover letter, faxed and emailed about a million more resumes and returned some calls. It's really weird, because I am applying for jobs here, in Los Angeles and in New York. I dropped San Francisco a couple of days ago, as it just got too complicated.
I'm great at projects, they really get me going. I'm so excited about this decision, I guess my problem is maintaining my enthusiasm. I have too many ideas, too many interests and it's hard to decide which to follow through on.
Just yesterday I came up with yet another great business idea. Wish me luck!
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Thursday, January 04, 2001
12:45 AM
waiting in line at a department store patiently with my hands full of lots of little items in my dream.
When it was my turn, a woman swept in from nowhere and, though I was putting my things down, the cashier rang her up first.
When I spoke up, the two ignored me at first, then told me not to be so defensive, what did it matter?
I don't know if it has any meaning in terms of a dream, but it's an experience I've had enough in reality that it made me really upset.
I took the dream to be about racism, due to the vague feeling of such that permeated it. That they immediately opted to put me on the defensive, rather than acknowledge the objective fact that I was next in line made me think this. I was forgetting my place and they were going to remind me.
Interestingly enough, I've never had the racism interpretation when such a thing has happened to me in waking life. I often wonder if I'm naive, like any other protowhite, suburban kid. I forget racism exists most of the time, so it's always a surprise and usually my last conclusion.
The thing of it is, I get dumped on for being female, fat, short-haired and so many other superficial reasons (in the case of the dream, maybe I didn't look as wealthy as the other woman), it's hard to seperate which -ism is the culprit in any given situation. Sometimes it is indeed a combination of the above.
I don't want to say, "Oh woe is me, I am half black, fat, short-haired and female." I wouldn't change any of it, if for no other reason than I cannot count the number of times I've personally made someone who was narrow-minded about one of those things open their minds because we related on one of the other things or even on something deeper and more important.
As so many wonderful people in my life celebrate me and I them, for many complex reasons, the lesson is that these superficial things don't matter at all, in the end. We hear that idea flitted about unconsciously, with no meaning to back it up, but only seem to really grasp it one person at a time.
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Wednesday, January 03, 2001
12:05 AM
starting the new year with a new career! What a silly temp agency headline.
You'd be amazed at how much time it takes to look for a job in two cities simultaneously. I'm trying to find something here so I can have money to move back and I'm submitting resumes for there, which might just be premature, since I can't interview there, what with being here and all.
The thing about New York is there are about a million jobs. It's a wonder the city functions with all the jobs that are vacant at any given time. I am focussing a bit on Time Warner, but even still that allows for hundreds of jobs. I interviewed there on my advance trip before moving to NY (now know as "the first time") and really liked the people and the offices. I am weird, but I like midtown and Times Square.
One of my great advantages, I think, is that I don't much care where I end up in NY. I hope to coordinate the job location so that it's easy for me to get to, but the residence I'll probably stay at is convenient to about 7 train lines, so everywhere will be an easy commute. The HBO and Grace buildings are on 42nd Street and Sixth Avenue, so it couldn't be easier to get there.
I'm also open to many industries, though I'd like to focus on entertainment, music, publishing and new media. Even so, I am open to stodgy industries, like investment banks and such, because, hey, who doesn't want to make $60k?
So, if you're in New York, pencil me in for early spring. It's possible I'll make it sooner (I moved from SF to NY within 10 or 12 days of making up my mind), but April 1 is my best, conservative estimate.
And hey, if you'd like a crazy bloggin' roommate or need a fabulously talented employee who can hit the ground running, I'm all yours!
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Sunday, December 31, 2000
10:42 PM
"celebrating" the new year with my mother and The Boy. She just threatened to slap me because I allegedly made fun of her. I did this by defending myself vis-a-vis repeating verbatim what she said to me.
She decided at 6 that she wanted to go to the store again, on a Sunday, on New Year's Fucking eve. She further decided that she wanted champagne, champagne flutes and snacks. The Boy had plowed through a whole box of Eggos and a box of Cheerios in the last two weeks, so we also needed those, bread, milk, butter and a few more things. She gave me $50 instead of her ATM card. It was such a joy putting things back in the check out line, things for me, of course.
I told her I'd get chips and make dip. I got the fixin's and, after agonizing over Lays v. Ruffles, I went with Lays. I didn't want to hear any whining about the Ridges. You see, I make the lists, I do the shopping, I do all the cooking, but the two people who don't want to help a bit in all of this do all the complaining. It's a wonderful set up, you betcha.
So, of course, when she went to get chips, she complained about my not getting Ruffles. I said I didn't know she had a preference and had tried to go with what seemed preferable: plain chips, but a brand name, not generic. "Well, you know I always get Ruffles."
"No, I can't remember you having chips."
"But when we do, we always get Ruffles."
"I can't even think of the last time I had chips here, probably before I moved out [in 1992]."
"And when you did, it was Ruffles."
"Sorry, I just didn't remember and tried to play it safe."
"You know it was Ruffles."
Finally, I said, "OK, I get it, next time I will buy Ruffles...there's no need to go on and on, we've got what we've got."
"Drop it!"
"I'm not the one going on and on about it, I apologized for getting the wrong chips."
"If you say another word, I'm going to slap you."
So, this is a happy way to ring in the new millenium.
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10:55 PM
moving back to New York or San Francisco (see below). There is nothing for me here but The Boy and he's a brat. Why would he treat me with respect when he watches our mother belittle, tease, threaten and yell at me everyday?
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10:59 PM
job hunting, not my favorite thing in the world. Surely, I'm worth more than this. I don't think you can live in SF or NY on that salary.

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11:02 PM
very late in posting my Christmas pictures.
Look, it's Salem Claus!

Since I cannot show you pictures of The Boy, I'll focus on the decorations. Here's the Mexican Santa. I don't know why my mom is on a thing about getting black Santas all of a sudden, but she thought he was black. He looks Mexican to me, though he speaks English. Maybe he's biracial!

When you push his button, he laughs, says a greeting, and his belly shakes. It's kinda freaky, since you can hear his belly clicking as it goes up and down. The best part is on his New Year's greeting...after he laughs, he does a heavy sigh/exhale, as if winded by all the laughing. It's like, "haaaaa..." It's freaky.
. . .

These are my own ornaments. One of my mom's coworkers made them, from 1981-1988. She was really great at crafts, she also made an entire wardrobe for a doll I had once. My ornaments were usually personalized with my name and a few extra touches.

You can't see it in this picture, but the bear's panties have ruffles. (Yikes, I said the "R" word).

This is a set of ornaments with each of our names on them, except for The Boy, as they predate him by 7 or 8 years.

This is from the same mold as the ballerina, except she is standing on a wave (instead of a tuft of grass) and is holding a fish. There is a red star on her panties on the back.
Sheesh, I'm going to get a bunch of searches for "panties" now.
My present, which puts Christmas far ahead of my birthday then...why, I don't think I woke up to screaming, even!

I'll be enjoying the tunes all the way back to New York.
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