I am...a New Yorker

July 2001
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My Earlier Journals

July 2000 to May 2001
I am...was updated via Blogger.

April 2000
My journal was updated whenever possible while I travelled across the U.S., by bus.

September 1999-June 2000
My journal was called Diary of a MAD Woman.

December 1997-April 1998

It's embarassing, really.

Entries this month


207. October 13, 2002   |   I am...Jumping in the Puddles
206. October 11, 2002   |   I am...Window Shopping
205. October 10, 2002   |   I am...Handling It
204. October 08, 2002   |   I am...Remembering Parts
203. October 03, 2002   |   I am...No Yogi, But I Tried
202. October 02, 2002   |   I am...Understanding, But Not Condoning
201. October 01, 2002   |   I am...Changing
200. October 01, 2002   |   I am...Learning

94. October 31, 2001   |   I am...Not a He
93. October 31, 2001   |   I am...Eavesdroppng
92. October 31, 2001   |   I am...Seeng Life Poke Through
91. October 30, 2001   |   I am...Not Writng Much
90. October 28, 2001   |   I am...Not Imagnng Thngs
89. October 27, 2001   |   I am...Flirtng With Disaster
88. October 27, 2001   |   I am...Exhausted
87. October 22, 2001   |   I am...Rememberng a New York Moment
86. October 22, 2001   |   I am...The Answer to the Question
85. October 21, 2001   |   I am...Never Gong to Sleep Agan
84. October 19, 2001   |   I am...A Traned Killer
83. October 18, 2001   |   I am...Mournng My People
82. October 18, 2001   |   I am...Not Dave Gorman, Are You?
81. October 13, 2001   |   I am...Sleepy
80. October 11, 2001   |   I am...a Shitty Secretary
79. October 10, 2001   |   I am...The Reason
78. October 07, 2001   |   I am...In the Mood for Porn
77. October 07, 2001   |   I am...Takng a Walk
76. October 07, 2001   |   I am...Antiqung
75. October 07, 2001   |   I am...SoHome
74. October 07, 2001   |   I am...Returnng to My Self
73. October 05, 2001   |   I am...Normalizing
72. October 05, 2001   |   I am...Basking in the Glow
71. October 05, 2001   |   I am...Road-Tripping
69. October 04, 2001   |   I am...Testng
68. October 03, 2001   |   I am...Behnd, Agan

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