Tuesday, January 23, 2001
Went to Vegas over the weekend, for SquishyCon, you can read about it here.
posted by Erica Jackson 1/23/2001 04:26:58 PM

Saturday, July 08, 2000
I'm itching for adventure, for something new, for places I've been and those I've yet to go.
posted by Erica Jackson 7/8/2000 06:32:58 AM

Saturday, June 24, 2000
Computer access was limited at the hostel and, despite being in the land of New Media, I didn't want to spend my whole trip looking for or being on computers. My apologies for the lack of updates.
posted by Erica Jackson 6/24/2000 08:44:48 PM

Thursday, June 15, 2000
Sam Francisco - Hey, technically this is travel. I arrived a few hours ago and am exhausted because I was up all night trying to fix the computer which crashed, of all things, while I was using Word. I've used PhotoShop, Fireworks, AOL, Netscape and Dreamweaver all at once, but it crashes while I'm editing my resume for this trip. Nevertheless, I guess it's a sign that this trip won't be so much about job hunting. If I find one, OK, if not, I'm lovin' this unemployment thing.
Going to meet Fang tonight, Heartless Bitch Barbera tomorrow night and am having lunch tomorrow with an old coworker who is now a lawyer. I asked if he was evil and smarmy. "No, I'm one of the good guys." Paul, I love you, man. You are one of the good guys. Still trying to get in touch with my boy Scott and Marilyn of Fat!So?, plus a bunch of my old SF buddies.
I cannot believe it was 104 degrees Fahrenheit here yesterday! I feel so bad for telling James that summer is the cold and foggy season here and to be sure to pack some layers and a light jacket. Thank goodness he went to the Southwest first, so he'll have some warm weather clothes. He's going to think I was just setting him up. It's really freaky for it to be over 90 here more than 3 days all year. What gives? Fang says I brought the heat with me from the Inland Empire.
posted by Erica Jackson 6/15/2000 07:58:48 PM

Friday, June 02, 2000
OK, I feel like a dope. Dori's domain is SaranWARP, not wrap, which I should've figured, because otherwise she'd probably be sued.
Worst of all is she actually wrote me two days ago, but I forgot to check the travel@ericajackson.com email address, of all the ones -- you know, the one linked from this blog...the one I've been writing to her from...Hello!
posted by Erica Jackson 6/2/2000 07:40:45 PM

Dori...D O R I...can you hear me? Your mail is bouncing, yo.
posted by Erica Jackson 6/2/2000 07:10:58 PM

Friday, May 26, 2000
Calling TravelBlog!
I can't seem to get an email to Dori of SaranWrap.com...it's just bouncing back. I hope you see this.
posted by Erica Jackson 5/26/2000 03:08:33 AM

Sunday, May 21, 2000
I have no excuse for not updating the past two weeks. I ended my trip April 27 and managed to fix my mom's computer a week later. I've had a lot of things to catch up on, especially e-mail. I wanted to say something here about my trip and fix this portion of my site up. I've also been rereading this blog and boy am I glad I did it, so I have a record of my travel. I tended to write different things in the blog than I did in my paper journal. Between the two, I have a fuller picture.
I have a few pictures, but haven't really made up new pages for them, you can take a peek here. Right now, there's only DC. I don't have a scanner at the moment and haven't developed any of my 30-odd rolls of film yet. I plan to do that over the next week or two and scan them in gradually, now that I'm a bit settled and have unemployment coming in. I'll post an update here and in my online journal (see below for link) when that's ready.
By the way, I did get to meet Pamie and she was just as funny in person. Nikol was, unfortunately, out of town and behind on email, so I missed her, but I'm sure we'll meet up again. I'd definately like to return to Austin when I can spend more than 36 hours there. Then there's always San Francisco, crossroads of the New Media world.
I'm living proof that you CAN go home again, though I'm not sure I'd advise it. I'm back in Southern California, which I left in 1995 for San Francisco and later New York. I'm living with my mom (I know, I'm shocked, too) and 10 year old brother. When I left home he was 2, there is so much I missed in those inbetween years.
Sometimes it's wonderful, sometimes it's difficult, but I know it was for the best. I see NY on TV and get twinges of regret, but I wasn't seeing all the possibilities while I was there, so there was no point. I spent upwards of 60-70 hours a week at a job that didn't appreciate me. As Holly, owner of Explore the Earth, told me, you don't work that hard for others, you save that kind of energy for when you're working for yourself.
I didn't make it to the Grand Canyon or Mt. Rushmore and a bunch of other places that I long to see. I was running out of money, time and the desire to be on the road. I don't know how Anthony (the strapping Aussie lad) made it for 12 months, but four weeks was just enough travel for me. I yearn to travel again, but don't regret coming home. At one point, I just needed to be home so badly that even the 30 hour bus ride from Austin didn't deter me.
Have got back in touch with a few friends from high school. It's a whole Back to the Future thang.
Found another TravelBlog, note the different spelling. It's a great source of links, information and encouragement for travellers. Get up and go!
If you've enjoyed this blog, I invite you to read my online journal, Diary of a MAD Woman, where the saga continues.
Thanks for reading,
posted by Erica Jackson 5/21/2000 11:10:14 PM
