Thursday, June 15, 2000
Sam Francisco - Hey, technically this is travel. I arrived a few hours ago and am exhausted because I was up all night trying to fix the computer which crashed, of all things, while I was using Word. I've used PhotoShop, Fireworks, AOL, Netscape and Dreamweaver all at once, but it crashes while I'm editing my resume for this trip. Nevertheless, I guess it's a sign that this trip won't be so much about job hunting. If I find one, OK, if not, I'm lovin' this unemployment thing.
Going to meet Fang tonight, Heartless Bitch Barbera tomorrow night and am having lunch tomorrow with an old coworker who is now a lawyer. I asked if he was evil and smarmy. "No, I'm one of the good guys." Paul, I love you, man. You are one of the good guys. Still trying to get in touch with my boy Scott and Marilyn of Fat!So?, plus a bunch of my old SF buddies.
I cannot believe it was 104 degrees Fahrenheit here yesterday! I feel so bad for telling James that summer is the cold and foggy season here and to be sure to pack some layers and a light jacket. Thank goodness he went to the Southwest first, so he'll have some warm weather clothes. He's going to think I was just setting him up. It's really freaky for it to be over 90 here more than 3 days all year. What gives? Fang says I brought the heat with me from the Inland Empire.
posted by Erica Jackson 6/15/2000 7:58:49 PM
