After a bit of foreshadowing on Saturday, Auntie came to town in earnest on Sunday afternoon.
I get really sick of men writing about how they would hate to be women and have our "problems." I don't see how uncontrollable boners, blueballs and the smell of scrotum are any improvement over what I have. Generally, it comes, it goes and life goes on throughout. I'm a little extra tired, but nothing major.
Every few years, however, things go haywire until they settle in to a new pattern again. I've been spotting and even gushing almost all the time since May. This week was the worst of it, I think, so I look forward to things normalizing. I was completely exhausted and wasn't sure why. It didn't help that I was too listless to take good care of myself -- by eating more than one meal a day and drinking plenty of liquid. A vicious cycle, as it were.
Once things settle into place for this new pattern, it'll all be old hat within a few months. I'll know how much to expect and when, regular as a paycheck.
(link) posted by Erica Jackson 8/7/2000 01:50:06 AM